Pengaruh dan Keterlibatan - Penting dan Tidak Penting
Pelajari idiom bahasa Inggris tentang penting dan tidak penting, seperti "red herring" dan "loom large".
Kartu flash
an urgent need or desire that one feels for something

kebutuhan mendesak, kebutuhan yang mendesak

to play a crucial role in causing other things in life to work the way they are supposed to
extra details that are added to a plan, idea, etc. that make it more complete or much better
(of a person) behaving in a manner that is very exciting and attracts others' attention
used to refer to something that does not deserve one's attention due to not being important or interesting enough
a person who is less qualified or important when compared to others in a company or organization
someone who is considered as an extra or unwanted person in a situation, especially in presence of a couple

roda ketiga, orang ketiga

something very important and serious that cannot be joked about or underestimated
anything that is intended to take people's focus away from what is important

tipu merah, pengalih perhatian