Influență și Implicare - Importanță și lipsă de importanță
Scufundați-vă în idiomuri englezești referitoare la importanță și lipsă de importanță, cum ar fi „hering roșu” și „răsătorit mare”.
Fișe de studiu
something of high priority or special importance
![mare afacere, chestie importantă](
mare afacere, chestie importantă
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an urgent need or desire that one feels for something
![o nevoie stringentă, o necesitate acută](
o nevoie stringentă, o necesitate acută
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to play a crucial role in causing other things in life to work the way they are supposed to
extra details that are added to a plan, idea, etc. that make it more complete or much better
(of a person) behaving in a manner that is very exciting and attracts others' attention
used to refer to something that does not deserve one's attention due to not being important or interesting enough
a person who is less qualified or important when compared to others in a company or organization
someone who is considered as an extra or unwanted person in a situation, especially in presence of a couple
![roata a treia, persoană de prisos](
roata a treia, persoană de prisos
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something very important and serious that cannot be joked about or underestimated
anything that is intended to take people's focus away from what is important
![falsă pistă, distragere](
falsă pistă, distragere
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