a highly skilled and accomplished singer who performs leading roles in operatic productions

オペラスター, オペラのスター

a male singing voice that is classified between bass and tenor, characterized by a lower and richer tone


a style of opera or literature portraying realistic and gritty depictions of everyday life


a role where a female is portraying a male character in opera, typically dressed in male clothing

ブリーチ役, パンツの役割

the comfortable range of pitches within a piece of music or a vocal part where the performer's voice or instrument sounds natural and resonant

テッシトゥーラ, 快適な音域

a light-hearted theatrical production blending singing, music, and spoken dialogue, often featuring comedic or romantic themes


a type of soprano singer known for their ability to perform intricate and embellished vocal passages

カラーラトゥーラ, カラーラトゥーラスーパーの

a style of musical accompaniment where a keyboard instrument plays a bassline along with improvised chords

バッソ・コントinuo, 持続低音

a type of classical female singing voice characterized by its low range and rich, resonant quality


the highest male singing voice, often akin to the alto range for female singers


an Italian operatic genre that combines elements of both drama and comedy, featuring a mix of serious and humorous elements in the plot, music, and overall tone

ドラマ・ジョコーソ, コメディオペラ

a type of classical female singing voice situated between the soprano and contralto ranges


a genre of Italian comic opera known for lighthearted storylines, witty dialogue, and comedic situations, featuring accessible music and often stock characters

オペラ・バッファ, コメディオペラ

a style of vocal singing in opera and oratorio characterized by a speech-like delivery, used to advance the plot or convey dialogue


a male singer with a unique voice type resulting from castration before puberty

カストラート, 去勢歌手

the introductory piece of an opera, ballet, oratorio or any lengthy musical performance

序曲, イントロ

a long, elaborate song that is melodious and is intended for a solo voice, especially in an opera

アリア, メロディー

a person who writes the words of a musical play or an opera, known as libretto

リブレッティスト, リブレット作家

a male singing voice that extends over the range of a tenor voice, hitting unusually high notes

ファルセット, ファルセッソ