a word that shows we agree with something or think that something is true when answering a question


used to express agreement, affirmation, or consent, particularly in nautical or military contexts

はい, 賛成です

used to express consent or affirmation in response to a request, suggestion, or statement

もちろん, はい

used to express understanding, acknowledgment, or agreement in response to something someone has said or done

わかった, 了解です

used to confirm understanding or acknowledge receipt of a message or instruction, typically in military, aviation, and other professional settings

了解, コピーしました

used as a confirmation message in radio communication to indicate that a message has been received and understood

了解, 受信しました

used to acknowledge that one has received and understood what someone else has said

聞いた, 理解した

used to acknowledge that one has received and comprehended a message, instruction, or directive

理解した, 分かった

used to show that one has accepted that someone else's argument or opinion is valid

理解しました, 承知しました。

used to acknowledge the validity or logic behind someone's assertion, even if one doesn't entirely agree with it

それでいい, 分かりました

used humorously to show that someone has made a good point in an argument or discussion

やるね, いいポイント