game on
used to convey readiness, determination, or excitement for a competition, challenge, or activity

行くぞ!, やるぞ!

buckle up
used to advise someone to prepare for a potentially challenging or turbulent situation

シートベルトを締めて, 準備して

let's go
used to express enthusiasm, readiness, or encouragement to begin an activity, venture, or journey

行こう!, さあ行こう!

used to urge someone to hurry up or to prompt them to complete a task quickly

急いで!, さっさと!

used to announce the beginning of a performance, event, or moment of importance

ショータイムだ!, 重要な瞬間だ!

in your face
used to express triumph, satisfaction, or defiance after achieving success or proving someone wrong

ほら見ろ!, これだ!

