used to bid someone goodbye or to express good wishes to someone departing
さようなら, バイバイ
used for wishing a person good luck, particularly when they want to travel somewhere
良い旅を!, 神のご加護がありますように!
a word we say when we are leaving or someone is leaving, or at the end of a phone call
さよなら, じゃね
a word we say when we are leaving someone or when they are leaving, or at the end of a phone call
バイバイ! 良い一日を!, さよなら! 素敵な日を!
used as a casual way to say goodbye to someone you expect to meet or speak with again in the near future
じゃね, またね
used to bid farewell or to say goodbye in a relaxed and casual manner
じゃね!, さようなら!
used as a casual way of saying goodbye or indicating that the person expects to see the recipient again soon
またね!, じゃね!
used to bid farewell with the expectation of meeting again in the near future
used to express cheerfulness or to bid farewell in a whimsical manner
さよなら、チップチップチーリオ!, バイバイ、チップチップチーリオ!
used to bid farewell or say goodbye, particularly when parting for an extended period or uncertain duration
さようなら, じゃね
used when saying goodbye to someone, especially family and friends
気をつけてね!, お大事に!
used to tell someone to take care of themselves when saying goodbye to each other
無理しないでね, リラックスして
something we say when we want to say goodbye to a person at night or before we go to bed
こんばんは, おやすみなさい
used when bidding farewell to someone in the evening or before going to bed
おやすみなさい!, 夜!