
陸上交通 - 交通事故と状況










Words Related to Land Transportation

a situation where vehicles hit each other or a person is hit by a vehicle

事故, 衝突

事故, 衝突

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car crash

a situation where a car collides with something, such as another vehicle or other object

車の衝突, 自動車事故

車の衝突, 自動車事故

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an accident that occurs when two or more objects, often in motion, come into violent contact with each other, resulting in damage or destruction

衝突, 衝撃

衝突, 衝撃

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a minor car accident

小さな事故, 軽微な衝突

小さな事故, 軽微な衝突

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a minor car accident that usually involves small damage to the vehicles

軽い衝突, 小さな事故

軽い衝突, 小さな事故

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head-on collision

a traffic accident where two vehicles hit each other directly from the front

正面衝突, 前面衝突

正面衝突, 前面衝突

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side collision

a traffic accident where vehicles are struck from the side

側面衝突, サイドコリジョン

側面衝突, サイドコリジョン

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a collision involving multiple vehicles, often caused by poor visibility or sudden braking

多重衝突, 追突事故

多重衝突, 追突事故

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the act of a vehicle overturning or flipping onto its side or roof

横転, ロールオーバー

横転, ロールオーバー

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a serious car accident involving significant damage to the vehicles

深刻な事故, 重大な衝突

深刻な事故, 重大な衝突

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T-bone accident

a car crash where one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle, forming a T shape

Tボーン事故, T字型の衝突

Tボーン事故, T字型の衝突

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to collide

to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person

衝突する, ぶつかる

衝突する, ぶつかる

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to slam

to hit or strike with great force, often making a loud noise

叩く, 打ち付ける

叩く, 打ち付ける

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to smash

to hit or collide something with great force and intensity

壊す, ぶつける

壊す, ぶつける

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to ding

to cause slight damage to something, typically by hitting or striking it

へこませる, 軽く傷つける

へこませる, 軽く傷つける

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to plow into

to collide with or crash into something forcefully

ぶつかる, 衝突する

ぶつかる, 衝突する

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to jackknife

(of articulated vehicles such as tractor trailer) to experience a loss of control where the front and rear parts of the vehicle fold together

ジャックナイフになる, 折りたたまれる

ジャックナイフになる, 折りたたまれる

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to rear-end

to hit the back of another vehicle with the front of your vehicle

後ろに衝突する, 後部にぶつかる

後ろに衝突する, 後部にぶつかる

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to ram

to crash violently into an obstacle

衝突する, 突き当たる

衝突する, 突き当たる

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to run over

to hit and pass over something or someone with a vehicle, causing damage

轢く, ひく

轢く, ひく

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to skid

to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface

スリップする, 滑る

スリップする, 滑る

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to total

to completely destroy a vehicle, making it beyond repair

完全に破壊する, 全損させる

完全に破壊する, 全損させる

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roadway departure

an event where a vehicle leaves the road by accident

道路逸脱, 路面離脱

道路逸脱, 路面離脱

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to lock

to become firmly secured or immovable in position

ロックする, 動かなくなる

ロックする, 動かなくなる

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an animal that has been struck and killed by a vehicle on the road

道路で轢かれた動物, 轢死体

道路で轢かれた動物, 轢死体

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whiplash injury

a neck injury caused by one's neck bending forward and back suddenly and forcefully

むちうち傷, 頚部損傷

むちうち傷, 頚部損傷

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road rage

an aggressive behavior that is seen among drivers, particularly when they are stuck in traffic

ロードレ rage, 交通怒り

ロードレ rage, 交通怒り

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to highway hynosis

a state of driving in which the driver is not fully aware and does not remember parts of the trip

ハイウェイヒプノシスしている, 運転中にハイウェイヒプノシスになる

ハイウェイヒプノシスしている, 運転中にハイウェイヒプノシスになる

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motion sickness

an urge to vomit that is caused by motion, particularly when a person is in a moving vehicle such as a car, train, etc.

乗り物酔い, 運動病

乗り物酔い, 運動病

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feeling sick because of the motions experienced while traveling in a car

車酔いの, 車酔いする

車酔いの, 車酔いする

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