TOEFL을 위한 고급 어휘 - Religion
여기에서는 TOEFL 시험에 필요한 "cleric", "pastor", "sufi" 등과 같은 종교에 관한 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
the quality of being linked with theology or the human spirit as opposed to material or physical items
영성, 정신성
a religious group with beliefs or practices, especially extreme or unusual ones, that separate them from the rest of the people with the religion
종파, 컬트
people who are officially chosen to lead religious services in a church or other religious institution
성직자, 성직
a priest or priestess serving as a mediator through whom the gods were thought to give their message in classical antiquity
신탁, 신탁 (제사장/여제사장)
someone who is sent to a foreign country to teach and talk about religion, particularly to persuade others to become a member of the Christian Church
a person believing in a religion that worships many deities, especially one that existed before the major world religions
이교도, 이교도 여성
a member of an Islamic sect that tries to become united with God through prayer, meditation, and living a simple and strict life
a speech or a piece of writing that is meant to advise people on the correct way of behaving
a person in some religions and cultures believed to be capable of contacting good and evil spirits and curing people of illnesses, especially in some cultures in northern Asia and North America
a person belonging to an English religious group of the 16th and 17th centuries who wanted church rituals made simpler and who believed it was important to work hard and control oneself, while pleasure was unnecessary or even wrong
청교도, 청교도 여성
any of the four books of the New Testament that is about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
복음, 고스펠
a school of Mahayana Buddhism, originally formed in Japan, emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than reading religious scripts or ritual worship
젠, 선학교
a religious cult involving witchcraft and the worship of spirits, especially common in parts of the Caribbean
the state in which a person or their spirit is delivered from their sins and saved by Christ
구원, 구출
the return to life of Christ on the third day after his death on the cross, according to the New Testament
부활, 그리스도의 부활
a mass at which people honor and pray for the soul of a dead person, especially in the Roman Catholic Church
레퀴엠, 위령 미사
the belief that after someone’s death, their spirit comes back to life in the form of a new body, especially in Buddhism and Hinduism
a statement about events that have not yet occurred but are believed to be inevitable or possible, especially one made by a divine person
예언, 예측