GRE을 위한 고급 어휘 - 필요악으로서의 정부
여기에서는 GRE 시험에 필요한 "anoint", "cede", "fortify" 등과 같은 권력과 정치에 관한 몇 가지 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
to choose whom an important position or job will be given to, generally done by a person of power

기름을 바르다, 임명하다

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

양도하다, 포기하다

to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

양보하다, 인정하다

to force a person of authority or power to step down from their position

창문 밖으로 던지다, 권력을 박탈하다

to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance

해고하다, 면직하다

to divide voting districts in a way that would advantage a particular group or party more

게리멘더링하다, 선거구를 조작하다

to attempt at pleasing an authority by excessively flattering and obeying them

아첨하다, 굴종하다

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

선도하다, 이끌다

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

약화시키다, 손상시키다

(of countries, organizations, regions, etc.) not governed by another force, and is in control of itself

자치의, 독립적인

displaying a behavior befitting someone who is in a powerful and authoritative position

권위 있는, 우월한

excessively flattering and obeying a person, particularly in order to gain their approval or favor

아첨하는, 아부하는

displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

당파적인, 편향된

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

해산, 종료

a morally or legally wrong act, usually bribery, done to gain an advantage or support

부정행위, 뇌물

someone who very strongly believes that their country is far more superior than other countries

징고이스트, 극단적 국가주의자

a force, movement, organization, etc. that is large, powerful, and uncontrollable

강력한 힘, 거대 조직

an individual who betrays their country by assisting the enemy occupying or controlling it

배신자, 협력자

a neutral area free of the conflict and danger that is between opposing powers

완충 지역, 중립 지대