Vocabulário Avançado para o GRE - O governo como um mal necessário
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre poder e política, como “ungir”, “ceder”, “fortificar”, etc., que são necessárias para o exame GRE.
to choose whom an important position or job will be given to, generally done by a person of power

ungir, designar

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

ceder, transferir

to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

conceder, ceder

to force a person of authority or power to step down from their position

defenestrar, forçar a renúncia

to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance

dispensar, demitir

to divide voting districts in a way that would advantage a particular group or party more

gerrymander, manipular distritos eleitorais

to attempt at pleasing an authority by excessively flattering and obeying them

baixar a cabeça, fingir compliance

to appoint a person or thing to a lower status, position, or rank

relegar, degradar

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

liderar, encabeçar

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

minar, desgastar

(of speech or actions) simple and straightforward, without cunning or deceit

ingênuo, simples

(of countries, organizations, regions, etc.) not governed by another force, and is in control of itself

autônomo, independente

displaying a willingness to start an argument, fight, or war

belicoso, beligerante

displaying a behavior befitting someone who is in a powerful and authoritative position

magisterial, autoritário

excessively flattering and obeying a person, particularly in order to gain their approval or favor

obsequioso, lisonjeiro

displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

partidário, tendencioso

a clever action or behavior that is intended to trick and deceive others

artifício, estratagema

an unpleasant or false statement intending to ruin someone's reputation

calúnia, difamação

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

dissolução, término

a morally or legally wrong act, usually bribery, done to gain an advantage or support

corrupção, suborno

someone who very strongly believes that their country is far more superior than other countries

jingoísta, nacionalista radical

a force, movement, organization, etc. that is large, powerful, and uncontrollable

gigante, força imparável

a government of politicians or military officers that forcefully obtained power

junta, junta militar

an individual who possesses an extreme amount of wealth or a high social standing

nabab, magnata

someone who rules over people and possesses absolute control and power

potentado, soberano

an individual who betrays their country by assisting the enemy occupying or controlling it

traidor, colaborador

(of areas of land or of countries) having a border in common

coterminoso, contíguo

a neutral area free of the conflict and danger that is between opposing powers

zona tampão, zona de amortecimento

accusations made in retaliation for being accused

recriminação, acusação mútua