to choose whom an important position or job will be given to, generally done by a person of power

涂油, 任命

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

割让, 让渡

to force a person of authority or power to step down from their position

将某人推下窗外, 迫使下台

to divide voting districts in a way that would advantage a particular group or party more

选区划分, 操控选区

to attempt at pleasing an authority by excessively flattering and obeying them

唯唯诺诺, 拍马屁

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

削弱, 破坏

(of countries, organizations, regions, etc.) not governed by another force, and is in control of itself

自治的, 独立的

displaying a behavior befitting someone who is in a powerful and authoritative position

威严的, 权威的

excessively flattering and obeying a person, particularly in order to gain their approval or favor

谄媚的, 恭维的

displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

党派的, 偏见的

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

解散, 结束

a morally or legally wrong act, usually bribery, done to gain an advantage or support

贪污, 行贿

someone who very strongly believes that their country is far more superior than other countries

沙文主义者, 民族主义者

a force, movement, organization, etc. that is large, powerful, and uncontrollable

巨头, 不可阻挡的力量

a government of politicians or military officers that forcefully obtained power

junta , 军事政府

an individual who betrays their country by assisting the enemy occupying or controlling it

叛徒, 合作者

a neutral area free of the conflict and danger that is between opposing powers

缓冲区, 安全区