GRE のための上級語彙 - 必要悪としての政府
ここでは、GRE 試験に必要な「anoint」、「cede」、「fortify」など、権力や政治に関する英単語を学びます。
to choose whom an important position or job will be given to, generally done by a person of power

塗油する, 指名する

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

譲る, 移譲する

to force a person of authority or power to step down from their position

窓から投げる, 権力を奪う

to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance

解雇する, 辞職させる

to divide voting districts in a way that would advantage a particular group or party more

ゲリマンダーする, 選挙区を操作する

to attempt at pleasing an authority by excessively flattering and obeying them

へこへこする, おもねる

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

先導する, リードする

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

弱める, 損なう

(of countries, organizations, regions, etc.) not governed by another force, and is in control of itself

自治の, 自律的な

displaying a behavior befitting someone who is in a powerful and authoritative position

権威のある, 強制的な

excessively flattering and obeying a person, particularly in order to gain their approval or favor

へつらいの, おべっか

displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

党派的な, 偏った

the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

解散, 終了

a morally or legally wrong act, usually bribery, done to gain an advantage or support

汚職, 賄賂

someone who very strongly believes that their country is far more superior than other countries

ジンゴイスト, 国家主義者

a force, movement, organization, etc. that is large, powerful, and uncontrollable

ジャガーノート, 制御できない力

an individual who betrays their country by assisting the enemy occupying or controlling it

裏切り者, コラボレーター

a neutral area free of the conflict and danger that is between opposing powers

緩衝地帯, バッファゾーン