
GRE のための上級語彙 - 必要悪としての政府

ここでは、GRE 試験に必要な「anoint」、「cede」、「fortify」など、権力や政治に関する英単語を学びます。









Advanced Words Needed for the GRE
to abdicate

(of a monarch or ruler) to step down from a position of power



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to anoint

to choose whom an important position or job will be given to, generally done by a person of power

塗油する, 指名する

塗油する, 指名する

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to arrogate

to take control of something without any legal basis

横領する, 奪う

横領する, 奪う

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to capitulate

to stop resisting something and accept it

降伏する,  capitulate

降伏する, capitulate

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to cede

to hand over power, land, or a position to another, particularly due to being forced

譲る, 移譲する

譲る, 移譲する

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to concede

to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

譲歩する, 認める

譲歩する, 認める

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to defenestrate

to force a person of authority or power to step down from their position

窓から投げる, 権力を奪う

窓から投げる, 権力を奪う

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to dismiss

to remove someone from their job or position, typically due to poor performance

解雇する, 辞職させる

解雇する, 辞職させる

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to gerrymander

to divide voting districts in a way that would advantage a particular group or party more

ゲリマンダーする, 選挙区を操作する

ゲリマンダーする, 選挙区を操作する

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to kowtow

to attempt at pleasing an authority by excessively flattering and obeying them

へこへこする, おもねる

へこへこする, おもねる

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to machinate

to secretly make plans, particularly to gain an advantage

陰謀を巡らす, 計画を立てる

陰謀を巡らす, 計画を立てる

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to relegate

to appoint a person or thing to a lower status, position, or rank

降格する, 格下げする

降格する, 格下げする

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to rescind

to officially cancel a law, decision, agreement, etc.

取り消す, 無効にする

取り消す, 無効にする

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to sap

to gradually drain or deplete someone's power or strength

弱める, 減少させる

弱める, 減少させる

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to spearhead

to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.

先導する, リードする

先導する, リードする

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to undermine

to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone

弱める, 損なう

弱める, 損なう

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(of speech or actions) simple and straightforward, without cunning or deceit

無邪気な, 純朴な

無邪気な, 純朴な

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(of countries, organizations, regions, etc.) not governed by another force, and is in control of itself

自治の, 自律的な

自治の, 自律的な

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displaying a willingness to start an argument, fight, or war

好戦的な, 戦争的な

好戦的な, 戦争的な

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willingly obeying rules or doing what other people demand

従順な, 服従する

従順な, 服従する

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displaying a behavior befitting someone who is in a powerful and authoritative position

権威のある, 強制的な

権威のある, 強制的な

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excessively flattering and obeying a person, particularly in order to gain their approval or favor

へつらいの, おべっか

へつらいの, おべっか

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displaying support and favoritism toward a party or cause, usually without giving it much thought

党派的な, 偏った

党派的な, 偏った

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ill-tempered and ready to start an argument or fight

好戦的さ, 攻撃的

好戦的さ, 攻撃的

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a clever action or behavior that is intended to trick and deceive others

策略, 巧妙さ

策略, 巧妙さ

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an unpleasant or false statement intending to ruin someone's reputation

中傷, 悪口

中傷, 悪口

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the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

解散, 終了

解散, 終了

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a morally or legally wrong act, usually bribery, done to gain an advantage or support

汚職, 賄賂

汚職, 賄賂

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someone who very strongly believes that their country is far more superior than other countries

ジンゴイスト, 国家主義者

ジンゴイスト, 国家主義者

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a force, movement, organization, etc. that is large, powerful, and uncontrollable

ジャガーノート, 制御できない力

ジャガーノート, 制御できない力

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a government of politicians or military officers that forcefully obtained power

ジュンタ, 軍事政権

ジュンタ, 軍事政権

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an individual who possesses an extreme amount of wealth or a high social standing

ナボブ, 大金持ち

ナボブ, 大金持ち

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someone who rules over people and possesses absolute control and power

支配者, 君主

支配者, 君主

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an individual who betrays their country by assisting the enemy occupying or controlling it

裏切り者, コラボレーター

裏切り者, コラボレーター

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(of areas of land or of countries) having a border in common

隣接する, 国境を共有する

隣接する, 国境を共有する

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buffer zone

a neutral area free of the conflict and danger that is between opposing powers

緩衝地帯, バッファゾーン

緩衝地帯, バッファゾーン

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accusations made in retaliation for being accused

反訴, 対立的な非難

反訴, 対立的な非難

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an individual who excessively flatters someone of importance to gain a favor or advantage

おべっか者, ごますり

おべっか者, ごますり

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