IELTS를 위한 어휘 (학문적) - Feminism
여기에서는 IELTS 시험에 필요한 "가부장제", "긍정적", "행동주의" 등과 같은 페미니즘에 관한 영어 단어를 배우게 됩니다.
the movement that supports equal treatment of men and women and believes women should have the same rights and opportunities


a social system in which the father or the eldest male is in charge of the family and his possessions or power are passed to a male heir

부권제, 부권 사회

an unfair treatment based on the belief that one gender, particularly female, is weaker, less intelligent, or less important than the other

성차별, 성징

describing or relating to someone whose gender identity does not correspond with their birth sex

트랜스젠더, 트랜스젠더 (형용사)

the fact or condition of being male, female or non-binary that people identify themselves with based on social and cultural roles

성별, 젠더

a special right, immunity or advantage that only a particular person or group has

특권, 장점

the act of giving a person or an organization the right, authority or power in order to do something

임파워먼트, 권한 부여

supporting traditional values and beliefs and not willing to accept any contradictory change

보수적인, 보수주의의

a group of people working together in order to cause a social change or solve a social issue

사회 운동, 소셜 무브먼트

the use of language, behavior, or policies that are intended to avoid offense or discrimination towards certain groups of people

정치적 올바름, 정치적 정확성

the qualities or attributes that are considered to be typical of or suitable for women

여성성, 여성다움

in a way that suggests embarrassment or worry about one's own actions or appearance

자기 의식적으로, 자신의 행동에 신경 쓰며

the revealing of one's feelings or thoughts, especially through creative activities

자기 표현, 셀프 표현

the action of striving to bring about social or political reform, especially as a member of an organization with specific objectives

행동주의, 밀리턴트