
사회, 법률 및 정치 - 사회적 규범과 순응

"Against the Grain", "play the game"과 같은 사회적 규범 및 순응과 관련된 영어 관용어를 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
a voice crying in the wilderness

someone who expresses an opinion that others ignore or do not like

무언가의 유일한 지지자

무언가의 유일한 지지자

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against the grain

used to refer to something that is done in a way that is contrary to the usual customs, conventions, or the natural direction

다른 사람들이 지지하는 것에 반대하는 것

다른 사람들이 지지하는 것에 반대하는 것

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a law unto oneself

someone who does not behave according to rules or expectations of society

행동이 대다수와 다른 사람

행동이 대다수와 다른 사람

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beyond the pale

(of a person's words or actions) not according to what is considered acceptable or polite

부적절한 행동

부적절한 행동

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to break the mold

to act so differently that it changes traditional or previous methods or approaches

표준이나 전통에 어긋나는 행동

표준이나 전통에 어긋나는 행동

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to cross the line

to show a behavior that is unacceptable or improper

out of bounds

beyond the limits of acceptable behavior

부적절한 행동

부적절한 행동

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to step out of line

to act in a way that is not in accordance with rules or socially accepted behavior

sacred cow

something such as tradition, idea, system, etc. that everyone respects or accepts without questioning

맹목적으로 또는 불합리하게 받아들여지는 것

맹목적으로 또는 불합리하게 받아들여지는 것

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line in the sand

a limit that makes clear what is considered right or accepted and what is not

승인된 한도

승인된 한도

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to break every rule in the book

to behave in a manner that is in contrast to the standards of a particular place

법에 어긋나는 행동

법에 어긋나는 행동

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the done thing

the socially accepted or expected behavior or action in a particular situation

사회적으로 용인되는 행동

사회적으로 용인되는 행동

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herd mentality

a person's natural tendency or urge to conform to the standards or the behavior of others in a particular group or society

to swim against the tide

to do or think the exact opposite of what most people are doing or thinking

다수에 반하여 행동하거나 행동하는 것

다수에 반하여 행동하거나 행동하는 것

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to play the game

to do things according to the rules, customs, or in the way that is expected of one in order to achieve profit or success

사회적 규범에 따라 행동하는 것

사회적 규범에 따라 행동하는 것

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to go rogue

to start behaving in a manner that ignores the expectations of society or an authority

규칙이나 사회적 규범에 어긋나는 행동

규칙이나 사회적 규범에 어긋나는 행동

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to overstep the mark

to act in a way that goes beyond the limits of what is allowed or accepted

사회적으로 용납되지 않는 방식으로 행동하는 것

사회적으로 용납되지 않는 방식으로 행동하는 것

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