사람과 관련된 방식의 부사 - 합법성과 도덕성의 부사
이 부사는 행위가 "합법적으로", "순수하게", "윤리적으로" 등과 같이 법이나 도덕의 원칙에 얼마나 부합하는지를 나타냅니다.
in a manner that relates to the process or activities concerned with law, or the making of laws
입법적으로, 법적으로
in a manner conforming to the legal system or the administration of justice
사법적으로, 법적으로
in a way that does not meet the required standard or level of approval
수용할 수 없게, 받아들일 수 없는 방식으로
in a manner that is based on principles of right and wrong in a specific community or society
도덕적으로, 윤리적으로
in a manner that is in accordance with what is considered fair or good
정당하게, 윤리적으로
in a manner that ensures everyone is treated fairly and according to their needs
공평하게, 형평성 있게
in a manner inconsistent with principles of honesty or moral standards
불명예스럽게, 비도덕적으로
in a manner that goes against what is expected or desired, often intentionally or stubbornly deviating from established rules
비뚤게, 고집스럽게