Прислівники Способу, Що Стосуються Людей - Прислівники законності та моралі
Ці прислівники описують, наскільки дія відповідає принципам права чи моралі, наприклад «законно», «невинно», «етично» тощо.
in a manner that relates to the process or activities concerned with law, or the making of laws

законодавчо, в законодавчому порядку

in a manner conforming to the legal system or the administration of justice

судово, юридично

in a way that does not meet the required standard or level of approval

неприйнятно, недопустимо

in a manner that is based on principles of right and wrong in a specific community or society

морально, моральним чином

in a manner consistent with what is considered right or good

етично, в етичному сенсі

in a manner that is in accordance with what is considered fair or good

праведно, справедливо

in a manner that ensures everyone is treated fairly and according to their needs

справедливо, в рівній мірі

in a manner characterized by injustice and unlawfulness

неправомірно, незаконно

in a way that is characterized by misinformation or the absence of truth

хибно, неправдиво

in a manner inconsistent with principles of honesty or moral standards

нечестно, аморально

in a manner characterized by a sense of disgrace or dishonor

сором'язливо, ганебно

in a manner that goes against what is expected or desired, often intentionally or stubbornly deviating from established rules

перевернуто, уперто