Emberekkel Kapcsolatos Módhatározók - A törvényesség és az erkölcs határozói
Ezek a határozószavak azt írják le, hogy egy cselekedet mennyire felel meg a jog vagy az erkölcs alapelveinek, például „legálisan”, „ártatlanul”, „etikailag” stb.
in a manner that relates to the process or activities concerned with law, or the making of laws
jogalkotási módon,jogalkotóan
in a manner conforming to the legal system or the administration of justice
without any intention of breaking the law or causing trouble
in a manner that is satisfactory or good enough
elfogadható módon,elfogadhatóan
in a way that does not meet the required standard or level of approval
in a manner that is based on principles of right and wrong in a specific community or society
in a manner consistent with what is considered right or good
with justice, law, or moral principles
in a manner that is justified or appropriate
in a manner that is in accordance with what is considered fair or good
in a manner that ensures everyone is treated fairly and according to their needs
in a way that is characterized by misinformation or the absence of truth
in a manner inconsistent with principles of honesty or moral standards
megalázó módon,erénytelenséggel
in a manner characterized by a sense of disgrace or dishonor
in a manner that goes against what is expected or desired, often intentionally or stubbornly deviating from established rules
perverz módon,makacs módon