C2 Woordenlijst - History
Hier leert u alle essentiële woorden om over geschiedenis te praten, speciaal verzameld voor leerlingen van niveau C2.
an object, person, or event that is out of place in terms of time or context, often appearing in a historical setting before its actual invention or introduction


a manuscript that was written on, erased, and written on again and again, while the previous text was still partially visible


a young servant or attendant, usually a boy, in a noble or royal household during medieval and Renaissance times, responsible for various tasks and receiving education in chivalry


a system of writing using symbols or pictures, originally used by the ancient Egyptians


a rowing ship used in ancient and medieval times, known for its long, slender design and multiple rows of oars, often employed in naval warfare and trade


a period in Western Europe (1871-1914) marked by peace, optimism, and cultural growth

Belle Époque

the defining spirit or mood of a particular period in history, reflecting the ideas and beliefs of the time

geest van de tijd, sfeertje van de tijd

the lineage or ancestry of a person, tracing their familial relationships and connections through multiple generations


an object or part of an object surviving from the past, typically with historical or emotional value, often linked to a person, event, or era

reliquie, historisch voorwerp

the historical period before the Middle Ages, especially before the sixth century when Greeks and Romans were the most prosperous

oudheid, antikiteit

a medieval military expedition by European Christians to reclaim or defend Christian territories in the Holy Land


the process by which colonies or territories gain independence from colonial rule


a person who was not a member of a great civilization (Greek, Roman, Christian) and was believed to be savage and uncivil

barbaar, wildernis

to record a series of historical events in a detailed way by a chronological order

chronikeren, registreren