
Książka English File - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Lekcja 9A

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 9A z podręcznika English File Upper Intermediate, takie jak „publicity”, „sue”, „export” itp.









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English File - Upper Intermediate
to claim

to say that something is the case without providing proof for it

twierdzić, zaznaczać

twierdzić, zaznaczać

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intended to give a wrong idea or make one believe something that is untrue

wprowadzający w błąd, fałszywy

wprowadzający w błąd, fałszywy

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any movie, picture, note, etc. designed to promote products or services to the public

ogłoszenie, reklama

ogłoszenie, reklama

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the name that a particular product or service is identified with

marka, etykieta

marka, etykieta

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actions or information that are meant to gain the support or attention of the public

publiczność, reklama

publiczność, reklama

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to sue

to bring a charge against an individual or organization in a law court

pozwać, wystąpić na drogę prawna

pozwać, wystąpić na drogę prawna

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a short memorable phrase that is used in advertising to draw people's attention toward something

slogan, hasło

slogan, hasło

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advertising campaign

a coordinated and strategic effort to promote a product, service, or brand using a series of advertisements or marketing messages over a period of time

kampania reklamowa, kampania promocyjna

kampania reklamowa, kampania promocyjna

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someone who buys and uses services or goods

konsument, konsumentka

konsument, konsumentka

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the activity of providing services or products in exchange for money

biznes, przedsiębiorstwo

biznes, przedsiębiorstwo

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to become

to start or grow to be

stać się, zostać

stać się, zostać

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to close down

(of a business, shop, company, etc.) to no longer be open or operating, particularly permanently

zamykać, zaprzestać działalności

zamykać, zaprzestać działalności

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to drop

to let or make something fall to the ground

upaść, zrzucić

upaść, zrzucić

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to grow

to become greater in size, amount, number, or quality

rosnąć, wzrastać

rosnąć, wzrastać

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to expand

to become something greater in quantity, importance, or size

rozszerzać, powiększać

rozszerzać, powiększać

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to export

to send goods or services to a foreign country for sale or trade

eksportować, wysyłać za granicę

eksportować, wysyłać za granicę

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to import

to buy goods from a foreign country and bring them to one's own



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to launch

to start an organized activity or operation

uruchomić, rozpocząć

uruchomić, rozpocząć

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to manufacture

to produce products in large quantities by using machinery

produkować, wytwarzać

produkować, wytwarzać

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a public place where people buy and sell groceries

rynek, targ

rynek, targ

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to merge

to combine and create one whole

scalić, łączyć

scalić, łączyć

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to produce

to make something using raw materials or different components

produkować, wytwarzać

produkować, wytwarzać

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to set up

to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization

założyć, utworzyć

założyć, utworzyć

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to take over

to begin to be in charge of something, often previously managed by someone else

przejąć, objąć kontrolę

przejąć, objąć kontrolę

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recently invented, made, etc.

nowy, aktualny

nowy, aktualny

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something that is created or grown for sale

produkt, towar

produkt, towar

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to flop

to move in a loose, uncontrolled, or erratic manner

skakać, drzeć

skakać, drzeć

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market leader

a specific product that outsells the other products of its kind

lider rynku, produktu wiodącego

lider rynku, produktu wiodącego

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a person in a leadership or authority position within a specific organization or group

szef, lider

szef, lider

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a place where people work, particularly behind a desk

biuro, pomieszczenie biurowe

biuro, pomieszczenie biurowe

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a store, office, etc. that belongs to a larger business, organization, etc. and is representing it in a certain area

oddział, biuro

oddział, biuro

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a time of great economic growth

boom gospodarczy, okres wzrostu gospodarczego

boom gospodarczy, okres wzrostu gospodarczego

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to do

to perform an action that is not mentioned by name

robić, wykonywać

robić, wykonywać

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to make

to form, produce, or prepare something, by putting parts together or by combining materials

robić, wytwarzać

robić, wytwarzać

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an agreement between two or more parties, typically involving the exchange of goods, services, or property

umowa, układ

umowa, układ

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a choice or judgment that is made after adequate consideration or thought

decyzja, wybór

decyzja, wybór

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the work that we do regularly to earn money

praca, zatrudnienie

praca, zatrudnienie

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the state or process of losing a person or thing

strata, utrata

strata, utrata

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market research

the act of gathering information about what people need or buy the most and why

badanie rynku, analiza rynku

badanie rynku, analiza rynku

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surpassing what is needed or required, and so, no longer of use

zbędny, niepotrzebny

zbędny, niepotrzebny

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in a way that is right, good, or satisfactory



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in a way that is not satisfactory, acceptable, or successful

źle, niedostatecznie

źle, niedostatecznie

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to mix business with pleasure

to combine enjoyable activities with one's work

unfinished business

a thing that has not been completed, discussed, or dealt with yet

niedokończone sprawy, niedokończony biznes

niedokończone sprawy, niedokończony biznes

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to mind one's own business

to only concern oneself with one's own private matters and not to interfere in those of others

none of one's business

used to tell someone that it is not necessary for them to know about something and that they should stop questioning about it

to mean business

to be very serious about fulfilling one's intentions

to get down to

to start focusing on and engaging in a task or activity in a serious or determined manner

zabrać się do, skupić się na

zabrać się do, skupić się na

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to go out of business

to cease to exist as a functional company or business due to financial challenges or difficulties


one or some of a thing or number of things, however large or small

jakikolwiek, niektóry

jakikolwiek, niektóry

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being the one that is different, extra, or not included



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