
Książka Headway - Średnio zaawansowany wyższy - Rozdział 5

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z części 5 podręcznika Headway Upper Intermediate, takie jak „tolerować”, „krytykować”, „przejąć” itp.









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Headway - Upper Intermediate
to put up

to place something somewhere noticeable

wystawić, umieścić

wystawić, umieścić

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to take it for granted

to assume without question that something is true

to put up with

to tolerate something or someone unpleasant, often without complaining

znosić, tolerować

znosić, tolerować

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to tolerate

to allow something one dislikes, especially certain behavior or conditions, without interference or complaint

tolerować, znosić

tolerować, znosić

Google Translate

having grown or become larger in amount or degree

zwiększony, podwyższony

zwiększony, podwyższony

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to have a problem with somebody or something

to not to be able to approve or accept someone or something

without doubt

used to emphasize an opinion or the point one is making

bez wątpienia, bezsprzecznie

bez wątpienia, bezsprzecznie

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to take place

to occur at a specific time or location

to put a stop to something

to make something stop or prevent it from happening, often in a temporary way

to take notice

to become aware of someone or something and pay them attention

to put somebody in charge

to assign someone to be responsible for a task or group of people


the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one

odpowiedzialność, obowiązek

odpowiedzialność, obowiązek

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to take one's advice

to listen to and follow the guidance or suggestions offered by another person

to take part

to participate in something, such as an event or activity


negative feedback that highlights mistakes or areas for improvement

krytyka, negatywna informacja zwrotna

krytyka, negatywna informacja zwrotna

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to take criticism

to listen to and accept negative feedback or comments about oneself or one's work, and to use that feedback to improve oneself or one's work

to put pressure on

to try to influence or persuade someone to do something by applying force, stress, or urgency

to take ages

to require a very long time to complete something, often much longer than expected or necessary

to get one's mind off something

to distract someone's attention or thoughts away from something, typically something stressful, worrisome, or unpleasant

to take time

to need a significant amount of time to be able to happen, be completed, or achieved

to take it easy

to try to be calm and relaxed and possibly rest

to calm down

to become less angry, upset, or worried

uspokoić się, wyluzować

uspokoić się, wyluzować

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in one's shoes

in a similar or identical situation to someone else, particularly a difficult or unpleasant one


a wrong move or act

wina, błąd

wina, błąd

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a book or journal in which one records personal experiences, thoughts, or feelings on a regular basis, usually on a daily basis

dziennik, notes

dziennik, notes

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to take something personally

to interpret or perceive a comment, action, or situation as being directed towards oneself, and to feel hurt, offended, or insulted as a result

to hurry

to move or do something very quickly, particularly because of a lack of time

pospieszyć się, śpieszyć się

pospieszyć się, śpieszyć się

Google Translate

a feeling of extreme fear and anxiety that makes one unable to think clearly



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to put one's foot in it

to say or do something that is embarrassing, inappropriate, or offensive, usually without intending to

to take back

to retract a statement, opinion, or promise, especially in an apologetic manner

cofnąć, odwołać

cofnąć, odwołać

Google Translate
to put on

to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.

założyć, nosić

założyć, nosić

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to take in

to observe something with one's eyes, often paying close attention to the details

obserwować, badać

obserwować, badać

Google Translate
to take off

to remove a piece of clothing or accessory from your or another's body

zdjąć, usunąć

zdjąć, usunąć

Google Translate
to take on

to hire someone

zatrudniać, zatrudnić

zatrudniać, zatrudnić

Google Translate
to take over

to gain control or possession of something through force, effort, or strategy

przejąć kontrolę, opanować

przejąć kontrolę, opanować

Google Translate
to put out

to make something stop burning or shining

zgasić, stłumić

zgasić, stłumić

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to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement

przełożyć, odroczyć

przełożyć, odroczyć

Google Translate
to put away

to place something where it should be after using it

odkładać, schować

odkładać, schować

Google Translate
to take issue

to argue or disagree with someone over something

the thing is

used to introduce an explanation or a reason for something; often a way of clarifying a situation

to put right

to resolve a situation or make amends for a mistake or wrongdoing

naprawić, korygować

naprawić, korygować

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to have a thing for somebody or something

to be excessively obsessed with someone, especially in a way that seems strange or unreasonable

to enjoy one's company

to like being with someone and find their presence pleasant or enjoyable

one's kind of somebody or something sw

a particular place, person, or thing aligns with or matches one's personal preferences, tastes, or interests

to make a big thing (out) of something

to treat or portray something as more important, significant, or serious than it actually is, often resulting in exaggerated attention or drama

to take a risk

to decide to do something that may result in something unpleasant or dangerous


any type of behavior or expression that is disrespectful, hurtful, or unpleasant towards another person or group of people

obraza, wykroczenie

obraza, wykroczenie

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