Opisywanie Cech - Dobra jakość lub stan
Odkryj, jak angielskie idiomy, takie jak „nie mający sobie równych” i „od ręki”, odnoszą się do dobrej jakości lub stanu w języku angielskim.
a situation that allows one to have two different advantages at the same time
in a very good condition, particularly compared to a previous state
a person or thing of impressive or high quality
klasa samej w sobie, osoba wysokiej jakości
used of something that was not working or functioning well, but it is now in good condition
a thing or person that one believes to be extremely good, useful, interesting etc.
inspiring admiration, due to being extremely good and satisfactory
used to describe someone or something that is very unusual or remarkable
used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success
a person or thing that is superior to everyone and everthing else
in a situation where everything is going well and there are no problems
used to refer to the positive or good aspects of a situation, even if other parts are not so good