
Describir Cualidades - Buena calidad o condición

Descubra cómo modismos en inglés como "insuperable" y "libre de gancho" se relacionan con tener buena calidad o condición en inglés.




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English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
second to none

(of a person) considered best in a partular field



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best of both worlds

a situation that allows one to have two different advantages at the same time

beneficiarse simultáneamente de dos personas o cosas

beneficiarse simultáneamente de dos personas o cosas

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in good nick

in a very good condition, particularly compared to a previous state

En muy buenas condiciones

En muy buenas condiciones

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class act

a person or thing of impressive or high quality

muy impresionante

muy impresionante

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(as) good as new

used of something that was not working or functioning well, but it is now in good condition

algo que es tan bueno como en sus primeros días

algo que es tan bueno como en sus primeros días

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the best thing since sliced bread

a thing or person that one believes to be extremely good, useful, interesting etc.

alguien o algo que no tiene rival

alguien o algo que no tiene rival

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fit for a king

great to a very exceptional degree



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fit for the Gods

unexpectedly or unspeakably great



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off the hook

inspiring admiration, due to being extremely good and satisfactory



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out of this world

used to describe someone or something that is very unusual or remarkable

Excepcionalmente bueno

Excepcionalmente bueno

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like a dream

used to refer to something that happens without any problems or better than one could have imagined or hoped for

mejor de lo que uno imaginaba

mejor de lo que uno imaginaba

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like a house on fire

used to describe a situation or activity that is developing with great intensity, speed, and success

De la mejor manera posible

De la mejor manera posible

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the bee's knees

a person or thing that is exceptionally good

the cat's meow

a person or thing that is superior to everyone and everthing else

único e inigualable

único e inigualable

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to die for

used to describe something excellent or extremely desirable



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to pass muster

to be good enough to meet a particular standard

estando calificado

estando calificado

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(as) good as gold

(of a thing) in a very good or desirable condition

en una condición deseable

en una condición deseable

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up to par

good enough to fulfill one's expectations

lo suficientemente satisfactorio

lo suficientemente satisfactorio

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of the first water

(of a diamond or pearl) of the finest or rarest quality

de primera calidad

de primera calidad

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on the pig's back

in a situation where everything is going well and there are no problems

situación favorable

situación favorable

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place in the sun

a very desirable or advantageous position

situación muy favorable

situación muy favorable

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on the bright side

used to refer to the positive or good aspects of a situation, even if other parts are not so good

en el lado brillante

en el lado brillante

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