Verbos de Gerenciamento de Informações e Objetos - Verbos para comparação e contraste
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à comparação e contraste, como "seemble", "differ" e "equal".
to examine or look for the differences between of two or more objects

comparar, analisar

to have a similar appearance or characteristic to someone or something else

assemelhar-se, parecer-se com

to be mistaken or accepted as something or someone else, often because of a resemblance or similarity

passar por, ser confundido com

to be similar to something in quality or nature

aproximar-se, assegurar semelhança a

to match something else, showing similarity or consistency

corresponder, concordar com

to view or describe something as similar or equal, often suggesting they have equal importance or value

igualar, equiparar

to be equal to or compete closely with someone or something in terms of skill, ability, or performance


to match something closely, suggesting similarity or equivalence

igualar, paralelizar

(of information) to align or correspond, indicating accuracy or reliability

coincidir, corresponder

to match well with the environment and become a part of the surroundings

misturar-se, integrar-se

to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment

integrar-se, adaptar-se

to give the impression of or appear as if something is a particular way or possesses specific qualities

soar, parecer

to seem as if someone or something is being or doing a particular thing

parecer, aparecer

to recognize the difference present between two people or things

diferenciar, distinção

to compare two people or things so that their differences are noticeable

contrastar, comparar

to compare different pieces of information and examine them to find their differences

coletar, comparar

(of pieces of evidence, facts, statements, etc.) to be opposite or very different in a way that it is impossible for all to be true at the same time

contradizer, ser contraditório com