Verbi dei Processi Mentali - Verbi che fanno errori
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono a commettere errori come "err", "slip up" e "blunder".
to be at fault or make mistakes, especially in one's thinking, judgment, or actions

sbagliare, errare

to commit an embarrassing and serious mistake out of carelessness or stupidity

commettere un errore, fare un passo falso

to fail to recognize a person or thing properly by assuming that they are another person or thing

confondere, mescolare

to interpret or understand something incorrectly

sbagliare interpretazione, malintendere

to form an incorrect opinion or assessment about someone or something

giudicare male
to fail to understand the full or true meaning, intention, or scope of a situation, idea, or statement

malintendere, fraintendere

to have an incorrect understanding or idea about something

comprendere male, avere un'idea sbagliata