在这里您将学习一些表示犯错误的英语动词,例如“err”、“slip up”和“blunder”。
to be wrong or make an error
犯错, 混淆
to be at fault or make mistakes, especially in one's thinking, judgment, or actions
犯错, 出错
to commit an embarrassing and serious mistake out of carelessness or stupidity
犯错误, 失误
to ruin a situation through mistakes or poor judgment
搞砸, 毁掉
to make a mistake
犯错, 失误
搞错, 弄错
to confuse one thing for another thing
混淆, 搞混
to fail to recognize a person or thing properly by assuming that they are another person or thing
to interpret or understand something incorrectly
误解, 错误解读
to form an incorrect opinion or assessment about someone or something
误判, 错误判断
to be deceived or tricked by someone or something
上当, 被欺骗
to fail to understand the full or true meaning, intention, or scope of a situation, idea, or statement
误解, 曲解
to read or understand a text incorrectly
误读, 错误理解
to have an incorrect understanding or idea about something
误解, 错误理解
to fail to understand something or someone correctly
to understand or explain something incorrectly
误解, 错误解释