Vocabulário Essencial para o TOEFL - O corpo humano
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre o corpo humano, como “hormônio”, “testa”, “panturrilha”, etc., que são necessárias para o exame TOEFL.
a body hormone produced in case of anger, fear, or excitement that makes the heart beat faster and the body react quicker
a chemical substance produced in the body of living things influencing growth and affecting the functionality of cells or tissues
hormônio, substância hormonal
a sack of tissue that is attached to the large intestine and is surgically removed if infected
any blood vessel, carrying the blood to different organs of body from the heart
the large muscle at the front of the upper part of the arm, which flexes the forearm
bíceps, músculo bíceps
a long flat bone at the center of the chest that connects the ribs and the shoulder girdle
the muscular part at the back of the leg between the knee and the ankle
panturrilha, músculo da panturrilha
the bone that is just below the eye
osso da bochecha, maçã do rosto
the flow and movement of blood around and in all parts of the body
circulação sanguínea, fluxo sanguíneo
either of the pair of bones that go across the top of the chest from the base of the neck to the shoulders
clavícula, osso da clavícula
the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hair
testa, front
the lower part of digestive tract responsible for food absorption
intestino, abdômen
each of the parts above the legs and below the waist at either side of the body
anca, anca (anatomia)
a long, continuous tube in the body through which the food coming from the stomach moves and is passed
intestino, intestinos
the body part inside our body where the food that we eat goes
estômago, barriga
a place in the body where two bones meet, enabling one of them to bend or move around
articulação, junção
the lower bone of the face containing the chin and the bottom teeth
the upper part of the legs that form a flat surface when one is seated
colo, coxa
an arm or a leg of a person or any four-legged animal, or a wing of any bird
membro, braço ou perna
the network of neurons and fibers that interpret stimuli and transmit impulses from the body to the brain
sistema nervoso, rede nervosa
a group of cells in the body of living things, forming their different parts
tecido, tecido muscular
the row of small bones that are joined together down the center of the back of the body
coluna vertebral, espinha dorsal
the rhythmic beating of the blood vessels created when the heart pumps, especially felt on the wrist or at the sides of the neck
pulso, batimento
(anatomy) the bony structure in the chest formed by the ribs which protects organs in the thoracic cavity
caja torácica, gaiola torácica
the bony structure that surrounds and provides protection for a person's or animal's brain