Lista de Palavras Nível C1 - Appearance
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre aparência, como "delicado", "horrível", "esbelto", etc. preparadas para alunos C1.
a place where a person can have their make-up done or receive hair, face, etc. treatments to look more attractive

salão de beleza, centro de estética

(of two or more things or people) having qualities, characteristics, appearances, etc. that are very similar but not identical

semelhante, igual

moving uncomfortably in a way that lacks grace and confidence

desajeitado, desconfortável

(of a person's skin) having a dark color after being exposed to the sun

bronzeado, queimado pelo sol

(of a woman's body) having curves in an attractive way

bem proporcionada, de curvas acentuadas

(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance

gorducho, farturento