Seznam Slovíček Úrovně C1 - Appearance
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovíčka o vzhledu, jako je „delicate“, „hideous“, „slender“ atd. připravená pro studenty C1.
a place where a person can have their make-up done or receive hair, face, etc. treatments to look more attractive
kosmetický salon, salon krásy
(of two or more things or people) having qualities, characteristics, appearances, etc. that are very similar but not identical
podobný, shodný
moving uncomfortably in a way that lacks grace and confidence
nešikovný, trapný
small and attractive in shape, structure, or appearance
delikátní, jemný
moving or behaving in an elegant, pleasing, and attractive way
graciézní, elegantní
(of a person) attractive, stylish, or beautiful
elegantní, elegantní
(of a man's face) not having been shaved for a long time
zanedbaný, vousatý
(of a person) dressed in worn and old clothes
neurvalý, zanedbaný
(of a person's skin) having a dark color after being exposed to the sun
opálený, něžně opálený
(of a person) standing or sitting with a straight back
vzpr upright, rovný
(of a person) physically attractive with large muscles
svalnatý, silný
(of a person) powerful with large well-developed muscles
svalnatý, svalový
(of a person's appearance) clean and attractive
představitelný, upravený
pleasing and likely to arouse interest or desire
přitažlivý, atraktivní
having an attractive and pleasing quality
půvabný, okouzlující
having the characteristics that are typical of young people
mladistvý, mladý
(of a woman's body) having curves in an attractive way
štíhlý, pěkně tvarovaný
(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance
buclatý, pekný
(of a woman's body) attractive because of having curves
křivý, plnoštíhlý
owning extraordinary qualities in a way that resembles those of God or a god
božský, božstvený