Adjective ale Valorii și Semnificației - Adjective de nesemnificație
Aceste adjective descriu lipsa de importanță sau relevanță a ceva, transmițând atribute precum „neglijabil”, „neimportant”, „minor”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
having less importance or value when compared to something else

secundar, mai puțin important

having little importance, effect, or seriousness, particularly when compared to other similar things

minor, secundar

additional but less important, often connected to a main element

colateral, secundar

not relevant or significant to the current situation, discussion, etc.

imaterial, irrelevant

happening as a side effect or by chance rather than being the main purpose or focus

incidental, secundar

not having much importance, meaning, or influence

nesemnificativ, fără importanță

so small or insignificant that can be completely disregarded

neglijabil, nesemnificativ