Prepoziții - Prepoziții de stat și influență
Aceste prepoziții indică starea sau condițiile unei persoane sau unui lucru sau specifică factorii care le influențează.
Fișe de studiu
used to indicate being in or surrounded by a particular condition or state

în, înăuntru

used to indicate being in the process of a particular action, treatment, or change

sub, în proces de

very close to doing or experiencing something, especially something significant or critical

pe marginea, în pragul

very close to a particular state, situation, or event, often with the implication that it is about to happen or reach a certain point

pe punctul de, la limita

at the starting point of a major development or change

la marginea de, pe calea către

used to express the state of being influenced or affected by something, such as a substance or external factor

pe, sub

used to indicate the state of abstaining from or being free from the effects or influence of that substance

fără, departe de

used to indicate being subject to the authority, control, or rule of someone or something

sub, sub autoritatea