Arkitektur och Byggande - Kolumner
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till kolumner som "footstall", "abacus" och "entasis".
a flat, stone block that sits on top of a column, used to support the parts above it such as a roof
the curved or sloping transition between the shaft of a column and its base or capital, providing a graceful connection between the two elements
a sculpted male figure or column in the form of a standing human figure, often used as a decorative support or columnar element in architecture
atlas, stående människa
the bottom portion or support of a column, pillar, or structure, providing stability and transitioning between the column and the ground or foundation
bas, stöd
a sculpted female figure used as a supporting column or pillar in architecture, often taking the place of a traditional column and bearing the weight of the structure on its head and shoulders
karyatid, karyatid
the slight curvature applied to the shaft of a column to create an optical illusion of straightness and visual harmony
the base or lower part of a column that provides support and stability, typically consisting of a wider section at the bottom that rests on the ground or a pedestal
fot, bas
the narrow, usually cylindrical section between the capital and the shaft of a column, serving as a transitional element
hals, övergångsdel
the long, vertical, and usually cylindrical part of a column between the base and the capital
skaft, stam
a convex, semi-circular molding or projection that is often used to ornament the base or capital of a column, providing visual interest and a decorative touch
torus, molding
a type of classical architectural column characterized by a plain, fluted shaft, a capital with a simple circular molding, and no base
dorisk pelare
a type of classical architectural column characterized by a slender, fluted shaft, a capital with volutes, and a base
jonisk kolonn, kolonn i jonisk stil
a type of classical architectural column characterized by a slender, fluted shaft, a capital adorned with acanthus leaves, and a base
korintisk pelare, korintisk kolonn
a base or support structure for an architectural element or statue
pedestal, fot
a decorative column or pilaster that typically features a human or animal head or bust at the top, often used to support an entablature or other architectural elements
term, dekorsäule
a vertical, rectangular or flattened column-like element that is typically attached to a wall and often features a capital, base, and entablature
pilaster, pelare
an upright, tall, and strong structure made of stone, metal, or wood that provides support for a part of a building such as the roof
pelare, kolumn
the sharp edge or ridge formed by the meeting of two surfaces, particularly in architectural elements such as columns, moldings, or corners of buildings, often created by chamfering or beveling the edges
kant, hörn
a rounded and convex element found in the capital of a column, adding visual appeal to the architectural design
echinus, kapitäl
a structural element in architecture that refers to a square or rectangular column or pilaster-like projection at the end of a wall, typically found at the corners of a building or as a division between spaces
anta, pelare
a broad, flat base that serves as a foundation for a column, statue, or structure
sockel, plint
a row of columns having equal distance from each other, often supporting a roof or arch
kolonnad, pelarportik
a shallow vertical groove or channel that is typically found on the surface of a column or pilaster
fåra, flöjt
a column with eight sides or faces, forming an octagon shape, commonly used in architectural design to provide structural support and aesthetic variation
åttkantig kolumn, oktagonal kolumn
a column with four sides or faces, forming a square shape, often used in architecture to provide support and visual symmetry in structures such as buildings, temples, or porticos
fyrkantig pelare, fyrkantig kolumn
a plain and unadorned column without any decorative features or textures
slät kolumn, kolumn utan dekorationer
a column that is partially embedded or attached to a wall, often used in architecture as a decorative element or for structural support, appearing as a half-column projecting from a surface
engagerad kolumn, väggmonterad kolumn
a twisted or spiral column characterized by a helical or corkscrew-like design, commonly associated with Baroque and Renaissance architecture
Salomonsk pelare, vriden pelare
a column designed in the Tuscan order, featuring a plain and unadorned shaft with a simple capital and base, known for its simplicity and classical proportions
toscansk pelare, pelare i toskansk stil
a vertical supporting element that divides a large opening, such as a doorway or window, into two smaller sections
trumeau, vertikalt stöd
a simple protective or finishing element placed on top of the column shaft
kapitel, lock
a vertical column or support used to bear and transfer the load of a building, bridge, or other structures to the ground or water
pelare, stöd
a diagonal arch that spans across a structure, such as a bridge or tunnel, to accommodate an oblique alignment
sned bog, armat bog