Verb för Att Orsaka Rörelse - Verb för att ge och sända
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska verb som hänvisar till att ge och skicka, som "passera", "erbjudande" och "dispatch".
to transfer the possession of something to someone else, particularly by putting it in their hands or somewhere reachable

överföra, ge vidare

to give something to someone as a gift, often in a formal manner

presentera, ge i gåva

to offer something and let the other person decide whether to accept or reject it

erbjuda, föreslå

to give someone something because of their success, hard work, specific achievements, etc.

belöna, utmärka

to recognize someone's achievements by giving them something such as an official prize, payment, etc.

tilldela, belöna

to give something valuable, like family traditions, skills, or items, from one generation to the next

överlämna, arvtagare

to give personal property to someone through a legal instrument, typically after one's death

testamentera, skänka

to offer some or all of one's possessions, resources, etc, to another individual

dela, erbjuda

to provide someone with something, such as help or services, especially as required or expected

tillhandahålla, erbjuda

to provide something, such as goods or services, for sale or distribution

förse, tillhandahålla

to provide with the tools, resources, or items necessary for a specific purpose or activity

utrustar, förse

to dress someone with a particular set of clothing, often for a specific purpose or occasion

klä, utrustning

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

skicka, sända

to send something along its route from a stopping point in the middle of the journey

vidarebefordra, skicka

to bring and give a letter, package, etc. to a specific person or place

leverera, förmedla