動きを引き起こす動詞 - 与えることと送ることを表す動詞
to transfer the possession of something to someone else, particularly by putting it in their hands or somewhere reachable

渡す, 渡すこと

to offer something and let the other person decide whether to accept or reject it

提供する, 差し出す

to give someone something because of their success, hard work, specific achievements, etc.

報いる, 褒賞する

to recognize someone's achievements by giving them something such as an official prize, payment, etc.

授与する, 与える

to give something valuable, like family traditions, skills, or items, from one generation to the next

受け継ぐ, 引き継ぐ

to give personal property to someone through a legal instrument, typically after one's death

遺言する, 遺贈する

to offer some or all of one's possessions, resources, etc, to another individual

共有する, 提供する

to provide someone with something, such as help or services, especially as required or expected

提供する, 与える

to provide with the tools, resources, or items necessary for a specific purpose or activity

装備する, 備える

to dress someone with a particular set of clothing, often for a specific purpose or occasion

着せる, 装備する

to have a person, letter, or package physically delivered from one location to another, specifically by mail

送る, 発送する

to send something along its route from a stopping point in the middle of the journey

転送する, 送る