Adverb för Resultat och Synvinkel - Adverb av faktabaserade synpunkter
Dessa adverb används för att visa att ens åsikter eller uttalanden är baserade på fakta snarare än personliga synpunkter, som "faktiskt", "faktiskt", "verkligen", etc.
used to emphasize a fact or the truth of a situation
faktiskt, verkligen
in a way that is easily understandable or noticeable
uppenbarligen, klart och tydligt
in a manner that is in accordance with an exact understanding of facts, rules, etc., or their literal interpretation
tekniskt, i strikt mening
used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or emphasizes the truth or reality of a situation
faktiskt, i själva verket
used to emphasize that something is being expressed honestly or genuinely, often revealing the real facts or feelings
i sanning, verkligen
used to show that what is being said is obvious or known and not surprising
självklart, naturligtvis
used for showing that what you are saying is more closely related to a specific thing or person than others
särskilt, framför allt
used to introduce the most important part of what is being said
särskilt, noterbart
used to highlight the significance of a particular point, fact, or aspect
viktigt, betydelsefullt
in a manner emphasizing the important nature of an action, event, or situation
avgörande, på ett avgörande sätt
in a way that is crucial to achieving a desired outcome or goal
avgörande, bestämmande
in a way that is significant, often in terms of impression or content
substantivt, betydligt
in a manner that shows control or superiority in a situation
dominant, på en dominerande sätt
in a manner that is of less importance or priority compared to other things
sekundärt, i andra hand
in a manner that is not very important or closely connected when compared to other things
perifert, marginalt
in a way that is related to a topic but not directly connected or relevant
tangentiellt, i förbifarten
used to convey that something seems to be true based on the available evidence or information
uppenbarligen, tydligen
in a way that is based on appearances or perception
uppenbarligen, till synes
in a manner that looks a certain way at first glance, but there might be hidden aspects or complications
till synes, uppenbarligen
used to give more specific information or examples regarding what has just been mentioned
det vill säga, nämligen
used for indicating the most important aspect of something
framförallt, i första hand