Nödvändigt Ordförråd för TOEFL - Synpunkt
Här får du lära dig några engelska ord om synvinkel, såsom "försvara", "tvist", "stå" etc. som behövs för TOEFL-provet.
to firmly and persistently express an opinion, belief, or statement as true and valid

upprätthålla, påstå

to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.

disputera, debattera

to draw a general conclusion based on specific cases that can be irrelevant to other situations

generalisera, göra generaliseringar

to disagree with or not fit well with a specific rule, concept, or standard

gå emot, motsäga

to mention someone or something of prominence as a support or reason for an argument or action

åberopa, nämna

to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts

spekulera, anta

to disagree with someone or to hold different opinions, viewpoints, or beliefs

skilja sig, inte hålla med

to disagree with someone, particularly by asserting the opposite of their statement

motsäga, bestrida

to express confidence or certainty in something happening or being the case

satsa, satsa på

the act of judging or evaluating someone or something carefully based on specific standards or principles

bedömning, utvärdering

the act of claiming something or declaring something to be true

påstående, yrkande

a behavior that favors a particular perspective, ideology, or outcom, often resulting in unfair judgment of someone or something

partiskhet, fördom

causing a lot of strong public disagreement or discussion

kontroversiell, omdiskuterad

an opposing argument or viewpoint that challenges an idea or theory

motargument, kontraargument

to strongly disagree with a policy, plan, idea, etc. and try to prevent or change it

motstå, protestera

(of a person or ideology) not extreme or radical and considered reasonable by a majority of people

måttlig, moderat

the opinions, activities, or methods that are considered normal because they are accepted by a majority of people

huvudström, mainstream

a conclusion one reaches from the existing evidence or known facts

slutsats, inferens

based only on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or judgments

objektiv, opartisk

based on or influenced by personal feelings or opinions rather than facts

subjektiv, subjektivitet

the quality of always acting or being the same way, or having the same opinions or standards

konsekvens, konstant