
En Yaygın 250 İngilizce Deyimsel Fiil - En önemli 226 - 250 Deyimsel Fiil

Burada, "dress up", "run by" ve "count on" gibi İngilizce'de en çok kullanılan deyimsel fiiller listesinin 10. bölümü sunulmaktadır.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Most Common Phrasal Verbs in English Vocabulary
to set off

to make something operate, especially by accident



to catch up

to go faster and reach someone or something that is ahead

ulaşmak, yetişmek

ulaşmak, yetişmek

to dress up

to wear formal clothes for a special occasion or event

resmi kıyafet giymek

resmi kıyafet giymek

to wear out

to cause something to lose its functionality or good condition over time or through extensive use



to catch on

(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular

popüler olmak

popüler olmak

to come about

to happen, often unexpectedly

meydana gelmek

meydana gelmek

to leave out

to intentionally exclude someone or something

dahil etmemek, hariç tutmak

dahil etmemek, hariç tutmak

to throw up

to expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth



to run by

to tell someone about an idea, especially to know their opinion about it

bir fikri paylaşmak

bir fikri paylaşmak

to pass by

to go past someone or something

yanından geçmek

yanından geçmek

to speak up

to speak in a louder voice

yüksek sesle konuşmak

yüksek sesle konuşmak

to pass out

to lose consciousness

bayılmak, kendinden geçmek

bayılmak, kendinden geçmek

to give out

to distribute something among a group of individuals



to count on

to put trust in something or someone

birine güvenmek

birine güvenmek

to bring about

to be the reason for a specific incident or result

sebep olmak

sebep olmak

to hook up

to have a brief sexual relationship with a person

cinsel ilişki yaşamak

cinsel ilişki yaşamak

to kick off

to cause something to begin, particularly initiating an event or process



to sit around

to spend time doing nothing or nothing productive

boş boş oturmak

boş boş oturmak

to come before

to have a higher priority or importance compared to someone or something else

daha önemli olmak

daha önemli olmak

to go against

to oppose or resist someone or something

karşı çıkmak

karşı çıkmak

to derive from

to be originated from something

bir şeyden türemek

bir şeyden türemek

to stand up for

to defend or support someone or something



to pack up

to put things into containers or bags in order to transport or store them

bavul toplamak

bavul toplamak

to bail out

to pay money to the court to release someone from custody until their trial

kefaletle serbest bıraktırmak

kefaletle serbest bıraktırmak

to mow down

to kill or cause harm to a large number of people, often through violent means

biçmek, katletmek

biçmek, katletmek

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