250 самых распространенных английских фразовых глаголов - Топ 226–250 фразовых глаголов
Здесь вам представлена 10-я часть списка наиболее распространенных фразовых глаголов английского языка, таких как «dress up», «run by» и «count on».
to cause something to lose its functionality or good condition over time or through extensive use
(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular
набираться популярности
to tell someone about an idea, especially to know their opinion about it
обсуждать с
to have a brief sexual relationship with a person
заключить мимолетную связь
to cause something to begin, particularly initiating an event or process
to have a higher priority or importance compared to someone or something else
иметь приоритет над
to put things into containers or bags in order to transport or store them
to pay money to the court to release someone from custody until their trial
выплатить залог
to kill or cause harm to a large number of people, often through violent means