
Sözlü Eylem Fiilleri - İzinler ve Yasaklar için Fiiller

Burada "yasaklamak", "izin vermek" ve "veto" gibi izin ve yasaklara atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Categorized English Verbs of Verbal Action
to forbid

to not give permission typically through the use of authority, rules, etc.



to prohibit

to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law



to ban

to officially forbid a particular action, item, or practice

resmen yasaklamak

resmen yasaklamak

to disallow

to reject or forbid something officially

izin vermemek

izin vermemek

to bar

to not allow someone to do something or go somewhere



to outlaw

to officially state that something is illegal

yasadışı ilan etmek

yasadışı ilan etmek

to proscribe

to officially ban the existence or practice of something

yasak etmek

yasak etmek

to interdict

to forbid a specific action

bir şeyi yasaklamak

bir şeyi yasaklamak

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to overrule

to use one's official or political authority to change or reject a previously made decision

geçersiz kılmak

geçersiz kılmak

to veto

to reject or prohibit a decision, proposal, or action

veto etmek

veto etmek

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to allow

to let someone or something do a particular thing

izin vermek

izin vermek

to let

to allow something to happen or someone to do something

izin vermek

izin vermek

to let in

to let something or someone enter a place

içeri girmesine izin vermek

içeri girmesine izin vermek

to permit

to allow something or someone to do something

izin vermek

izin vermek

to license

to give permission for the use, practice, or production of something through a formal agreement

ruhsat vermek

ruhsat vermek

to green light

to give permission for something such as plan, project, etc. to proceed

yeşil ışık

yeşil ışık

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to consent

to give someone permission to do something or to agree to do it

razı olmak

razı olmak

to sanction

to officially approve of something such as an action, change, practice, etc.

resmi izin vermek

resmi izin vermek

to authorize

to officially give permission for a specific action, process, etc.

yetki vermek

yetki vermek

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