
Karar, Öneri ve Yükümlülük - Karar Vermek 5

Burada karar vermeyle ilgili "quorate", "retreat" ve "ruling" gibi bazı İngilizce sözcükleri öğreneceksiniz.


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Öğrenmeye başla
Words Related to Decision, Suggestion, and Obligation

(of a meeting) having enough members present to conduct business or to make official decisions by voting

zorunlu üye sayısı mevcut olan

zorunlu üye sayısı mevcut olan


the minimum number of people that must be present for a meeting to officially begin or for decisions to be made

gerekli çoğunluk

gerekli çoğunluk

to railroad

to unfairly compel someone or a group of people to to accept something such as a decision, rule, etc. quickly

karar vermeye zorlamak

karar vermeye zorlamak

to reconsider

to think again about an opinion or decision, particularly to see if it needs changing or not

yeniden incelemek

yeniden incelemek


the act of thinking about an opinion or decision again, especially with an intention to change it

yeniden değerlendirme

yeniden değerlendirme

to remit to

(usually passive) to send a matter to someone of an authority so that it can be dealt with

başka mahkemeye göndermek

başka mahkemeye göndermek


a firm decision to do something or to behave in a certain way, often made after careful consideration

azim, kararlılık

azim, kararlılık

to resolve

to make a decision with determination

karar vermek

karar vermek

to retreat

to allow people's negative comments and criticisms change one's mind about something

geri çekilmek

geri çekilmek


an act of changing one's mind about something because of people's negative comments and criticisms

karar değiştirme

karar değiştirme

to return a verdict

to declare someone guilty or innocent in a court of law

nihaî kararı açıklamak

nihaî kararı açıklamak

to reverse

to alter a previous decision, judgment, etc. to the contrary one

bozmak (kararı)

bozmak (kararı)


the act of changing an earlier promise, decision, or statement so that it becomes entirely different

büyük değişim

büyük değişim

to rubberstamp

to officially approve something such as a decision, resolution, etc. without proper consideration



rubber stamp

a person or organization that automatically approves or authorizes a plan, decision, etc. without considering it properly

incelemeden onaylama

incelemeden onaylama

to rule

to make an official decision about something




a decision made by someone with official power, particularly a judge




the right or chance to give an opinion about something

konuşma şansı

konuşma şansı

to settle on

to decide something, after considering all possible alternatives

bir karara varmak

bir karara varmak

to sleep on

to postpone making a decision until the next day or a later time, often to think about it more

kararı başka zamana bırakmak

kararı başka zamana bırakmak

spoilt for choice

unable to choose because there are a lot of choices

seçim yapmakta kararsız

seçim yapmakta kararsız


(of a choice or competition) obvious and only involving two things or people



to take a chance

to undertake an action, often involving risk or uncertainty

riske girmek, şansını denemek

riske girmek, şansını denemek

to take something into account

to consider something when trying to make a judgment or decision

göz önünde bulundurmak

göz önünde bulundurmak

to take something into consideration

to give thought to a certain fact before making a decision

göz önünde bulundurmak

göz önünde bulundurmak

to take something under advisement

to give something adequate amount of thought and consideration before making a decision or forming an opinion about it

bir şey hakkında iyice düşünmek

bir şey hakkında iyice düşünmek


the ability to recognize something with good quality or high standard, especially in art, style, beauty, etc., based on personal preferences

zevk, estetik anlayış

zevk, estetik anlayış

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that's that

used to express that one's decision is definite and cannot be changed

hepsi bu kadar

hepsi bu kadar

the lesser of two evils

a choice or option that seems less harmful or unpleasant out of two that one is confronted with

kötünün iyisini seçmek

kötünün iyisini seçmek

to think over

to consider a matter carefully before reaching a decision

düşünüp taşınmak

düşünüp taşınmak

to think twice

to think about something very carefully before doing it

etraflıca düşünmek

etraflıca düşünmek


an unclear situation that either of two possibilities have an equal chance of happening

eşit ihtimal

eşit ihtimal


a severely difficult situation, problem, or question

çıkmaz durum

çıkmaz durum


(of a group) fully in agreement on something

müttefik, hemfikir

müttefik, hemfikir


unable to make a decision or form a definite opinion about a matter

tereddütlü, kararsız

tereddütlü, kararsız

to uphold

(particularly of a law court) to state that a previous decision is correct




an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

hüküm, karar

hüküm, karar


used to compare or to show contrast between two choices, decisions, etc.




refusal of or disagreement with something

bir karara karşı olma oyu

bir karara karşı olma oyu


the faculty to use free will and make decisions




an official choice made by an individual or a group of people in a meeting or election



to vote

to decide someone’s position, status, or recognition through a voting process

oy vermek

oy vermek

to waver

to hold back and hesitate due to uncertainty

tereddüt etmek

tereddüt etmek


one who is incapable of making any decisions due to fear or uncertainty, particularly in an election

tereddüt eden kimse

tereddüt eden kimse

to weigh

to consider all the possible outcomes and different aspects of something before making a definite decision

düşünüp taşınmak

düşünüp taşınmak

when push come to shove

used when a situation reaches a critical point and one must take action in order to deal with it

bıçak kemiğe dayandığında

bıçak kemiğe dayandığında


used to talk about a doubt or choice when facing two options

[-ip -meyeceği/-ıp -mayacağı]

[-ip -meyeceği/-ıp -mayacağı]

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