Beslissing, Suggestie en Verplichting - Moeilijke keuzes maken
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die te maken hebben met het maken van moeilijke keuzes, zoals 'oordeel', 'terugtrekken' en 'settelen'.
(of a meeting) having enough members present to conduct business or to make official decisions by voting

quorum houdend, met quorum

the minimum number of people that must be present for a meeting to officially begin or for decisions to be made


to unfairly compel someone or a group of people to to accept something such as a decision, rule, etc. quickly

forceren, dwingen

to think again about an opinion or decision, particularly to see if it needs changing or not

heroverwegen, herzien

the act of thinking about an opinion or decision again, especially with an intention to change it

heroverweging, herbeoordeling

(usually passive) to send a matter to someone of an authority so that it can be dealt with

doorverwijzen, verzenden naar

a firm decision to do something or to behave in a certain way, often made after careful consideration


to allow people's negative comments and criticisms change one's mind about something

terugtrekken, achteruitgaan

an act of changing one's mind about something because of people's negative comments and criticisms

terugtrekking, herziening

to alter a previous decision, judgment, etc. to the contrary one

omkeren, terugdraaien

the act of changing an earlier promise, decision, or statement so that it becomes entirely different

terugdraaien, herroeping

to officially approve something such as a decision, resolution, etc. without proper consideration

goedkeuren zonder overweging, aftekenen zonder analyse

a person or organization that automatically approves or authorizes a plan, decision, etc. without considering it properly

rubberstempel, automatische goedkeurder

a decision made by someone with official power, particularly a judge

uitspraak, beslissing

to decide something, after considering all possible alternatives

besluiten over, kiezen voor

to postpone making a decision until the next day or a later time, often to think about it more

uitstellen, erover nadenken

(of a choice or competition) obvious and only involving two things or people

rechttoe rechtaan, duidelijk

to consider something when trying to make a judgment or decision
to give thought to a certain fact before making a decision
to give something adequate amount of thought and consideration before making a decision or forming an opinion about it
the ability to recognize something with good quality or high standard, especially in art, style, beauty, etc., based on personal preferences

smaak, voorkeur

a choice or option that seems less harmful or unpleasant out of two that one is confronted with
to consider a matter carefully before reaching a decision

overwegen, nadenken

an unclear situation that either of two possibilities have an equal chance of happening

gelijke kansen, onzekerheid

a severely difficult situation, problem, or question

moeilijke situatie, lastige kwestie

(of a group) fully in agreement on something

unaniem, unaniem genomen

unable to make a decision or form a definite opinion about a matter

onbeslist, twijfelend

(particularly of a law court) to state that a previous decision is correct

bevestigen, ondersteunen

an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

vonnis, uitspraak

used to compare or to show contrast between two choices, decisions, etc.

tegen, ten opzichte van

an official choice made by an individual or a group of people in a meeting or election

stem, stemmen

to decide someone’s position, status, or recognition through a voting process

stemmen, verkiezen

one who is incapable of making any decisions due to fear or uncertainty, particularly in an election

aarzeling, onbeslistheid

to consider all the possible outcomes and different aspects of something before making a definite decision

overwegen, afwegen

used when a situation reaches a critical point and one must take action in order to deal with it