Розширений Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - Землеробство та рослинництво
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про землеробство та рослинність, такі як «arable», «croft», «silage» тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
(of farmland) not used for growing crops for a period of time, especially for the quality of the soil to improve

бездіяльний, пустуючий

relating to trees with hard and dry fruits called cones and needle-shaped leaves

хвойний, сосновий

to feed farm animals with any agricultural foodstuff that is specifically for domesticated livestock

годувати худобу, кормити тварин

any disease that causes a plant to wither and eventually dies

в'янення, хвороба рослин

a small rented farm around a house or the house itself, especially in Scotland

небольший хутір, будинок на хуторі

a piece of mechanical equipment used to break up the soil and remove weeds from the ground

культиватор, землероб

a line of shrubs, bushes, or small trees that are planted along the edge of a field or road, especially in the UK

жива огорожа, кущ

a house, especially a farmhouse, with the land and buildings surrounding it

садиба, фермерський дім

the practice of cultivating and breeding crops and animals and taking care of them

сільське господарство, тваринництво

solid waste from animals spread on a piece of land to help plants and crops grow healthier and stronger

гній, добриво

a field covered with grass or similar herbs suitable for animals to graze on

пастбище, луг

grass or other green crops that are harvested and stored without being dried to be fed to animals in winter


a small device with holes that is put on the end of a hose, used for watering soil or lawns; a piece of equipment that is utilized in case a building is on fire

розпилювач, спринклер

the grapes harvested or wine produced in a specific year or season

урожай, вино певно року

the scientific study of plants, their structure, genetics, classification, etc.


a plant that lives for two years and in its second year produces seeds and flowers

бінальний, дворічна

a green pigment found in all green plants and cyanobacteria that is responsible for the absorption of the sunlight needed for the photosynthesis process


a South Asian fig tree that can grow new trunks and roots from its branch

банян, індійська фігове дерево

a type of Dianthus often bright-colored and used for formal occasions

гвоздика, карнена

a small wild plant of the pea family usually with three round leaves, often pink, purple, or white

конюшина, дика конюшина

a small plant of the daisy family with a yellow flower that turns into a fluffy white ball of seeds


a tropical plant of the mallow family that has large and brightly colored flowers
