Книга English File - Нижче середнього - Урок 2Б
Тут ви знайдете лексику з уроку 2B у підручнику English File Pre-Intermediate, наприклад «будівля», «простір», «транспорт» тощо.
the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock

a space in a building with walls, a floor, and a ceiling where people do different activities

a structure that has walls, a roof, and sometimes many levels, like an apartment, house, school, etc.

a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public

a large public place in a town or a city that has grass and trees and people go to for walking, playing, and relaxing

a road vehicle that has four wheels, an engine, and a small number of seats for people

a period of time that a year is divided into, such as winter and summer, with each having three months

пора року
the season that comes after fall and in most countries winter is the coldest season

a period of time that is made up of twelve months, particularly one that starts on January first and ends on December thirty-first

the time of day that is between when the sun starts to rise and the middle of the day at twelve o'clock

the time of day that is between twelve o'clock and the time that the sun starts to set

the time of day that is between the time that the sun starts to set and when the sky becomes completely dark

the day that comes first in the calendar year and is a public holiday in most countries

Новий рік
a day on which two people celebrate their love toward each other and often buy gifts for one another

День святого Валентина
to take people, goods, etc. from one place to another using a vehicle, ship, or aircraft

a vehicle that has two wheels and moves when we push its pedals with our feet

велосипед, байк

a series of connected carriages that travel on a railroad, often pulled by a locomotive

furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on

a flat, narrow board made of wood, metal, etc. attached to a wall, to put items on

a platform above the ground level and on the outside wall of a building that we can get into from the upper floor

балкон, тераса

an upright structure, usually made of brick, concrete, or stone that is made to divide, protect, or surround a place

an educational institution at the highest level, where we can study for a degree or do research

a large place where planes take off and land, with buildings and facilities for passengers to wait for their flights

a place at the side of a road that is usually marked with a sign, where buses regularly stop for passengers

автобусна зупинка, зупинка автобуса

put after the numbers one to twelve to show or tell what time it is, only when it is at that exact hour

the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school

уїк-енд, вихідний
a period of time that is celebrated due to cultural or religious reasons

фестиваль, свято

the period of time around Christmas day, which includes the days just before or after it
