
Âm Nhạc - Danh từ liên quan đến âm nhạc

Ở đây bạn sẽ học một số danh từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến âm nhạc như "verse", "rehearsal" và "arrangement".


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Bắt đầu học
Words Related to Music

an object or device used for producing music, such as a violin or a piano

văn thư

văn thư

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percussion instrument

any musical instrument such as cymbals, timpani or bass drum that is played by being hit or scraped by a beater

nhạc cụ gõ

nhạc cụ gõ

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reed instrument

any wind instrument that produces sound when air blown into its chambers causes a thin strip of material, called a reed, to vibrate

nhạc cụ sậy

nhạc cụ sậy

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stringed instrument

any musical instruments that can produce sound when its strings are touched or struck

nhạc cụ dây

nhạc cụ dây

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woodwind instrument

a musical instrument that produces sound by vibrating air within a tube or pipe, typically made of wood or metal

nhạc cụ hơi bằng gỗ

nhạc cụ hơi bằng gỗ

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the process of changing the style or form by a musician in order to appeal to a wider range of people

kết quả của việc kết hợp hai hoặc nhiều phong cách âm nhạc

kết quả của việc kết hợp hai hoặc nhiều phong cách âm nhạc

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mood music

music that is meant to create a relaxed or romantic ambiance

nhạc tâm trạng

nhạc tâm trạng

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someone who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a profession

người soạn nhạc

người soạn nhạc

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the sounds that a person makes when speaking or singing

giọng nói của người

giọng nói của người

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a series of lines forming a unit in a song or poem



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the quality of having a pleasant tune or being melodious

sự du dương

sự du dương

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(plural) a song's words or text

lời nhạc

lời nhạc

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brass instrument

a musical instrument that produces sound by vibrating air within a metal tube, typically made of brass

nhạc cụ bằng đồng

nhạc cụ bằng đồng

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someone or something that is extremely popular

cú đánh

cú đánh

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the act of positioning and using fingers on an instrument to play specific notes or chords

gõ ngón tay (âm nhạc)

gõ ngón tay (âm nhạc)

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a session of practice in which performers prepare themselves for a public performance of a concert, play, etc.

câu chuyện kể lại

câu chuyện kể lại

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the act of ending a sustained musical sound or note, allowing it to decay naturally

cái cúp điện

cái cúp điện

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a small piece of music or sound recorded by digital means in order to be used in creating a new composition

hàng mẫu

hàng mẫu

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a set of musical pieces or songs performed at a jazz session or a live show



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a process of checking that the equipment used for recording music, or for playing music at a concert, is working correctly and producing sound of a good quality

kiểm tra âm thanh

kiểm tra âm thanh

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a musical piece that has been adapted or arranged to be performed by various instruments or voices

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the act of playing music in public and asking the passers-by for money

hát rong

hát rong

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carol singing

the act of singing Christmas carols in churches or streets, usually to collect money for charity

hát thánh ca

hát thánh ca

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the art or the act of writing pieces of music, poetry, etc.

bài phản dịch

bài phản dịch

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a form of entertainment in which people sing the words of popular songs while a machine plays only their music



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outsider music

unconventional, experimental, and non-mainstream music created by individuals who do not conform to established musical conventions or industry expectations

âm nhạc được sáng tác bởi các nhạc sĩ thiếu kinh nghiệm

âm nhạc được sáng tác bởi các nhạc sĩ thiếu kinh nghiệm

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a raw, unpolished, and low-fidelity music production or recording style characterized by a DIY aesthetic and nostalgic or vintage vibes

nhạc lo-fi

nhạc lo-fi

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lead guitar

the guitar part in a band or ensemble that plays melodies, solos, and improvisations, taking the lead or prominence over other instruments

guitar chính

guitar chính

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a mid-sized instrument positioned between smaller and larger counterparts in terms of pitch and size

giọng hát cao thấp

giọng hát cao thấp

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a singer, band or musician who performs on a stage

đóng tuồng

đóng tuồng

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a singer or band that open a pop or rock concert before the main act

người nhờ cậy

người nhờ cậy

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a collective of musicians performing together

nhóm nhạc sĩ

nhóm nhạc sĩ

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a group of instruments or voices that perform together, typically of the same family or type

chỉ chồng hoặc vợ

chỉ chồng hoặc vợ

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a short break between different parts of a theatrical or musical performance

giờ ra chơi

giờ ra chơi

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drum roll

a continuous series of rapid beats on a drum, especially while announcing something exciting

trống cuộn

trống cuộn

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a short and lively ceremonial sounding of trumpets or other brass instruments, usually to announce something important

biểu diễn âm nhạc

biểu diễn âm nhạc

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a singing method that uses a system of vocal syllables to represent musical pitches in order to facilitate sight-singing and ear training

bài hát nhẹ nhàng

bài hát nhẹ nhàng

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a device that helps musicians regulate their desired speed and rhythm

máy nhịp

máy nhịp

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the part of a theater, concert hall, or other venue where the audience sits to watch a performance

phòng hội họp

phòng hội họp

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the act of singing additional vocal parts that complement the melody, creating harmonies

sự hòa âm

sự hòa âm

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a slender stick used by a conductor while leading an orchestra



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a technique in music for string instruments where the bow bounces lightly off the strings, creating short, crisp notes



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a musical technique that consists of mixing two or more separate melodies into one harmony

đối âm (một kỹ thuật âm nhạc)

đối âm (một kỹ thuật âm nhạc)

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someone who attends concerts or live music performances

người đi xem hòa nhạc

người đi xem hòa nhạc

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when an individual is carried above the crowd by the audience during live music concerts or events, often used as a form of interactive performance or stage diving

lướt sóng giữa đám đông

lướt sóng giữa đám đông

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concert hall

a large building or room that is designed for performing concerts

phòng hòa nhạc

phòng hòa nhạc

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orchestra pit

the place in front of the stage, which is slightly lower, where an orchestra sits and performs for an opera, ballet, etc.

nền tảng mà các nhạc sĩ biểu diễn

nền tảng mà các nhạc sĩ biểu diễn

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an additional or repeated piece that is performed at the end of a concert, because the audience has asked for it

lần nữa

lần nữa

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second position

a finger or hand placement on an instrument for producing a specific sound or playing a particular note or chord

vị trí thứ hai

vị trí thứ hai

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fourth position

a higher hand placement on the fingerboard of a string instrument for accessing higher range notes

vị trí thứ tư

vị trí thứ tư

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fifth position

a specific hand position or fingering on a musical instrument for playing certain chords or notes

vị trí thứ năm

vị trí thứ năm

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a stock of plays, songs, dances, etc. that a company or a performer is prepared to perform

tiết mục (âm nhạc)

tiết mục (âm nhạc)

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music video

a short video that is made to promote a specific song

video âm nhạc

video âm nhạc

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set list

a predetermined sequence of songs or musical pieces that a band or performer plans to play during a live performance or concert

lập danh sách

lập danh sách

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a person who is passionate about heavy metal music

đầu kim loại

đầu kim loại

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a person who embodies the rebellious and anti-establishment ethos associated with the punk subculture

gỗ mục

gỗ mục

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the group of people who have assembled to watch and listen to a play, concert, etc.

bái kiến

bái kiến

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