
Các Động Từ Cụm Sử Dụng 'Up' - Cho hoặc Thu thập


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Phrasal Verbs With 'Up'
to cough up

to reluctantly provide or surrender something, often money or information

[Động từ]
to double up

to share or occupy the same space or accommodation with another person, often due to limited resources

[Động từ]
to fix up

to provide someone with something such as a service or an opportunity

[Động từ]
to gather up

to collect various things or people that are spread out for a specific purpose

thu thập thứ gì đó

thu thập thứ gì đó

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[Động từ]
to hoard up

to collect and store a large quantity of something, often valuable or useful items

[Động từ]
to hook up

to provide someone with something

[Động từ]
to pack up

to put things into containers or bags in order to transport or store them

thu thập đồ đạc của một người

thu thập đồ đạc của một người

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[Động từ]
to pick up

to retrieve an item from a location where it was left

[Động từ]
to round up

to gather people or things, often to organize or deal with them

[Động từ]
to save up

to set money or resources aside for future use

[Động từ]
to serve up

to offer something, typically food or drink, to someone

[Động từ]
to stock up

to gather something in large amounts to keep for future use, sale, or for a particular occasion

[Động từ]
to shade up

(of animals) to seek a sheltered area to avoid direct exposure to the sun

[Động từ]
to fork up

to reluctantly provide something, often under pressure or obligation

[Động từ]
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