
Các Động Từ Cụm Sử Dụng 'Up' - Tăng hoặc giảm


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Phrasal Verbs With 'Up'
to build up

to become more powerful, intense, or larger in quantity

to become more powerful, intense, or larger in quantity

to become more powerful, intense, or larger in quantity

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[Động từ]
to bump up

to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value

to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value

to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value

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[Động từ]
to creep up

to gradually add to the amount, number, price, etc. of something

[Động từ]
to ease up

to reduce pressure, intensity, or pace of something to make someone feel more at ease

[Động từ]
to flare up

to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict

to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict

to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict

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[Động từ]
to go up

to increase in value, extent, amount, etc.

[Động từ]
to hurry up

to act more quickly because there is not much time

[Động từ]
to kick up

to increase the price of something

[Động từ]
to let up

to become less intense or strong

[Động từ]
to pick up

to experience a positive rise in something

[Động từ]
to pile up

to increase in amount or quantity over time

[Động từ]
to pump up

to increase or enhance something

to increase or enhance something

to increase or enhance something

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[Động từ]
to push up

to cause an increase in the amount, number, or value of something

to cause an increase in the amount, number, or value of something

to cause an increase in the amount, number, or value of something

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[Động từ]
to rev up

to increase the speed of an engine

to increase the speed of an engine

to increase the speed of an engine

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[Động từ]
to run up

to cause the cost or value of something to increase

[Động từ]
to send up

to cause the value or price of something to rise

[Động từ]
to shoot up

(of an amount or price) to increase rapidly

[Động từ]
to slow up

to decrease in speed or pace

[Động từ]
to speed up

to become faster

to become faster

to become faster

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[Động từ]
to step up

to increase the size, amount, intensity, speed, etc. of something

to increase the size, amount, intensity, speed, etc. of something

to increase the size, amount, intensity, speed, etc. of something

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[Động từ]
to turn up

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

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[Động từ]
to scale up

to cause an increase in the amount, size, or significance of something

to cause an increase in the amount, size, or significance of something

to cause an increase in the amount, size, or significance of something

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