
Khoa Học Y Tế - Chăm soc sưc khỏe tâm thân

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Words Related to Medical Science
autogenic training

a from of therapy that trains patients to be able to deal with stress with positive thoughts and mental exercises

đào tạo tự sinh

đào tạo tự sinh

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aversion therapy

a psychotherapy designed to suppress an undesirable habit or behavior by associating it with an unpleasant effect

liệu pháp ác cảm

liệu pháp ác cảm

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[Danh từ]
electroconvulsive therapy

a psychiatric treatment that involves sending an electric current through someone's brain to cause seizures or fits

liệu pháp điện giật

liệu pháp điện giật

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[Danh từ]
electroshock therapy

a medical treatment that involves passing an electric current through patient's brain to induce a brief seizure

liệu pháp sốc điện

liệu pháp sốc điện

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group therapy

a type of psychotherapy in which one or more therapist works with several people at the same time

trị liệu nhóm

trị liệu nhóm

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[Danh từ]

the act or practice of concentrating on the mind and releasing negative energy or thoughts for religious reasons or for calming one's mind

sự nghĩ ngợi

sự nghĩ ngợi

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[Danh từ]

fully concentrating on the present moment, particularly as a therapeutic or meditative technique

trách nhiệm

trách nhiệm

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[Tính từ]

a mental state achieved by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of someone's thoughts, feelings, etc., used as a therapeutic technique

sự quan tâm

sự quan tâm

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a state of heightened focus and concentration in which a person becomes more responsive to suggestions

thôi miên

thôi miên

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[Danh từ]

the process of using hypnosis as a therapeutic technique

liệu pháp thôi miên

liệu pháp thôi miên

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[Danh từ]

a method of therapy used for mental conditions which consists of the patient opening up about their past and feelings in order to find the reason for their illness

phương pháp phân tích tâm lý

phương pháp phân tích tâm lý

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[Danh từ]

causing or able to induce a feeling of suspended awareness or focused concentration

thôi miên

thôi miên

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[Tính từ]

relating to the psychological approach that explores the influence of unconscious thoughts and childhood experiences on behavior and mental health

phân tâm học

phân tâm học

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[Tính từ]
to hypnotize

to induce a temporary altered state of receptive focus through which a subject will respond to suggestions

thôi miên

thôi miên

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[Động từ]

a method that uses focused attention and relaxation to suggest changes in behavior or thoughts

thuật thôi miên

thuật thôi miên

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[Danh từ]
to meditate

to focus on one's thoughts for spiritual purposes or to calm one's mind

[Động từ]

able to help one feel calm, focused, and thoughtful

thiền định

thiền định

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[Tính từ]
transcendental meditation

a type of meditation that uses a silent, mantra-based technique for relaxation and stress reduction

Thiền siêu việt

Thiền siêu việt

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[Danh từ]

an altered state of consciousness characterized by focused attention, deep relaxation, and heightened suggestibility

sự thần trí hôn mê

sự thần trí hôn mê

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[Danh từ]

the treatment of mental conditions using psychology instead of drugs

phép chửa tâm lý

phép chửa tâm lý

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[Danh từ]

a type of psychotherapy in which the patient relives experience of being born again using controlled breathing

tái sinh

tái sinh

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‌the process of helping someone who has a problem with drugs or alcohol to lead a normal life again

trại cai nghiện

trại cai nghiện

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[Danh từ]
shock therapy

a method of treating certain mental illnesses by effecting physiological shock or by electroconvulsive therapy

liệu pháp sốc

liệu pháp sốc

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[Danh từ]

a qualified person whose job is treating people's mental issues by talking with them instead of giving them drugs

người trị liệu

người trị liệu

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[Danh từ]
autogenic therapy

a relaxation technique using self-suggestion and visualization for promoting mental and physical well-being

liệu pháp tự sinh

liệu pháp tự sinh

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[Danh từ]

the treatment of mental or psychological disorders by discussing someone’s problems instead of using drugs or operations

liệu pháp

liệu pháp

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[Danh từ]
cognitive behavioral therapy

a psychotherapy that targets negative thoughts and behaviors to address mental health issues

liệu pháp hành vi nhận thức

liệu pháp hành vi nhận thức

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[Danh từ]
existential therapy

a type of psychotherapy that addresses an individual's search for meaning and purpose in life

liệu pháp hiện sinh

liệu pháp hiện sinh

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[Danh từ]
family therapy

a type of counseling that addresses and improves communication and relationships within a family

Liệu pháp gia đình

Liệu pháp gia đình

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eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

a therapy for processing traumatic experiences using eye movements or bilateral stimulation

[Danh từ]

a field of science that studies the mind, its functions, and how it affects behavior

tâm lý học

tâm lý học

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a process of providing guidance, support, and advice to someone facing personal, emotional, or psychological challenges

tư vấn

tư vấn

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