Articles related to "indefinite determiners"


indefinite determiners

Indefinite determiners are determiners that express quantity or indefinite ideas of quality. We use them when we want to give someone information about the quantity of something.

Each vs. All

These two words are different as their meanings require.


Such vs. These or Those

The words “such” and “these” are often confused with each other due to their nature of supporting a sentence where similar situations are being mentioned.


Some vs. Several

'Some' and 'several' are quantifiers, so it is important to know their differences to use them in the right way.


Another vs. Other

These two words are a little bit similar in meaning, but with a little effort, you will get the differences.



'Much' is a commonly-used word in the English language and has many functions. In this lesson, we will learn more about it.


Neither vs. Nither

It's possible to never encounter 'nither' in the daily English context. But, if you want to know the difference between them, let us start.


Each vs. Both

'Both' and 'each' have two different meanings which makes them easy to understand.



'More' is a word that has three functions in the English language. In this lesson, we will thoroughly discuss it.



You have heard 'any' in words such as 'anyone' and 'anything.' In this lesson, we will learn all about the word 'any' including its uses and functions.



The word 'many' is used in "many" situations and contexts. In this lesson, we will discover all the details about this word.



'All' has many functions in the English language. In this lesson, we will take a look at its uses and learn more about it.



'Several' is used to avoid using basic words. In this lesson, we will learn all about it.


Each vs. Each Of

Actually, these two words mean the same, but they are used in different situations.



'Enough' is an English word that you may have heard several times. It has three functions which we will cover in this lesson.



'Other' or 'another'? You may have confused the two as they are very similar. In this lesson, we will learn all about 'another' and its functions.


Neither vs. Nether

Actually, ‘neither’ and ‘nether’ are really easy to distinguish. However, since they are really close in their spelling, they cause confusion. Click here.


Indefinite Determiners

Indefinite determiners are determiners that express quantity or the indefinite ideas of quality. They agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.


Enough vs. Plenty

Since it is a common question. Let us go through it.


Some vs. Any

The general rule is to use 'some' in positive, and 'any' in negative and interrogative sentences.



You may have encountered the words 'everyone' and everything.' Notice that 'every' is common in both of them. In this lesson, we will learn all about it.


Any vs. Every

When you face these two words, at first you might think they are synonyms, but there are differences between them.



'Some' can be used as a determiner, pronoun, and adverb. In this lesson, we will discover all about this word and its uses and functions.



Another common word in the English language we're gonna learn about is 'least'. Are you ready? Come on.


Each vs. Every

It is usually correct to use both, ‘each’ or ‘every’, but they have slightly different meanings.


Another vs. Any Other

Another and any other are the same, and there is a delicate difference between another and any other. Let us get to know them better.


All vs. Every

'All' and 'every' are used a lot in English. They tend to confuse learners as they talk about quantity.


All vs. Whole

Actually all and whole both refer to an entire group of people or things.


Any vs. All

There has been always a challenge about using "all" and "any'' in English contexts.


Some vs. Some Of

The difference between 'some' and 'some of' is too easy to learn. So let us start learning.


Neither vs. Both

It is actually very important to know the difference between these two words. We will learn all about them in this lesson.



'Few' can modify a noun, replace it, or even be the noun. It has three functions which we will discuss in this lesson.


Either vs. Any

When to use 'any' instead of 'either'? That’s a common question asked by English learners. To know the answer follow the article.



'Less' can be used as a determiner, pronoun, adverb, or preposition. In this lesson, we will discover all about this word.



'Most' is a commonly used word in the English language and has many functions. In this lesson, we will learn all about this word.


Neither vs. None

Generally, these two words have many similarities and slight differences. In this lesson, we will learn all about them.



'Little' has these functions: determiner, pronoun, or adverb. In this lesson, we will discover all about this word.


Another vs. Another One

Actually, there is no difference in the meaning but there is something important for you to know.


Some vs. Few

'Some' and 'few' both refer to a quantity. So there is always a challenge to choose between them.


Each vs. Either

Actually, either and each are misused a lot. Let us get to know them and clarify their differences.

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