
الأوضاع والحالات - الإمكانية والاستحالة

اكتشف كيف أن الأمثال الإنجليزية مثل "الجحش الرث قد يكون حصانًا جيدًا" و"لا يمكنك إرضاء الجميع" تصور الإمكانية والاستحالة باللغة الإنجليزية.




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Situations & States
you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink

used to suggest that while one can provide someone with an opportunity, one cannot force them to take advantage of it, as ultimately people must make their own choices and decisions

above black there is no color (, and above salt there is no savor)

used to imply that when a situation has reached a certain extreme or chaotic state, it cannot become any worse or more aggravated

every man has a fool in his sleeve

used to imply that regardless of how intelligent or wise a person may appear, everyone is capable of making mistakes or acting in a foolish manner at times

كل رجل لديه أحمق في جعبته

كل رجل لديه أحمق في جعبته

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fools may sometimes speak to the purpose

used to suggest that even those considered foolish may occasionally have valuable insights or solutions to offer

قد يتحدث الحمقى أحيانًا عن هذا الغرض

قد يتحدث الحمقى أحيانًا عن هذا الغرض

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if things were to be done twice, all would be wise

used to suggest that if people were given a second chance to do something, they would likely make better decisions, emphasizing the importance of learning from one's mistakes

whatever man has done, man may do

used to imply that if someone has accomplished something in the past, then it is possible for others to achieve the same thing, encouraging people to pursue their goals with determination

مهما فعل الإنسان، يمكن للإنسان أن يفعله

مهما فعل الإنسان، يمكن للإنسان أن يفعله

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lightning never strikes the same place twice

used to express the idea that a highly unlikely event or occurrence is not likely to happen again in the same place or to the same person

a ragged colt may make a good horse

used to suggest that something or someone that appears unpromising or unremarkable at first may have the potential to become successful or valuable in the future

قد يكون الجحش الرث حصانًا جيدًا

قد يكون الجحش الرث حصانًا جيدًا

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a stream cannot rise above its source

used to imply that someone or something cannot surpass their own limitations, such as their own abilities, resources, or environment

لا يمكن للتيار أن يرتفع فوق مصدره

لا يمكن للتيار أن يرتفع فوق مصدره

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hares may pull dead lions by the beard

used to imply that power and influence can be fleeting, as even the weak or small can have power over the strong or mighty when they are in a vulnerable state

قد تسحب الأرانب البرية الأسود الميتة من لحيتها

قد تسحب الأرانب البرية الأسود الميتة من لحيتها

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the age of miracles is (long) past

used to emphasize the idea that people should not rely on miraculous or supernatural intervention to solve their problems but should instead work towards practical solutions

if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is

used to suggest that if something appears too beneficial or advantageous, it is likely false or deceptive, urging people to be cautious and use critical thinking skills to evaluate such claims

men may meet but mountains never

used to suggest that there are inherent boundaries or limitations that prevent certain things from happening

قد يلتقي الرجال ولكن الجبال لا تجتمع أبدًا

قد يلتقي الرجال ولكن الجبال لا تجتمع أبدًا

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you cannot lose what you never had

used to imply that it is not worth being upset or anxious about losing something that never existed, emphasizing the importance of focusing on reality

لا يمكنك أن تفقد ما لم تمتلكه من قبل

لا يمكنك أن تفقد ما لم تمتلكه من قبل

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you cannot serve two masters

used to imply that dividing attention, loyalty, or effort between conflicting interests or allegiances will lead to a lack of commitment and failure or poor performance in all of them

لا تقدرون أن تخدموا سيدين

لا تقدرون أن تخدموا سيدين

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you cannot get a quart into a pint pot

used to imply that it is impossible to fit too much into a small space, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and respecting the limitations of a situation

لا يمكنك وضع ربع جالون في وعاء نصف لتر

لا يمكنك وضع ربع جالون في وعاء نصف لتر

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you cannot please everyone

used to imply that trying to make everyone happy is impossible, emphasizing that it is important to be true to oneself rather than constantly seeking others' approval

لا يمكنك إرضاء الجميع

لا يمكنك إرضاء الجميع

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if wishes were horses (, the beggars would ride)

used to emphasize that simply wishing for something is not enough to attain it, and that people must work hard and take action to achieve their goals

لو كانت الأمنيات خيولاً لركبها المتسولون

لو كانت الأمنيات خيولاً لركبها المتسولون

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