
سات العلوم الإنسانية - مشاعر سلبية

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالمشاعر السلبية، مثل "abhorrence"، "poignant"، "exasperate"، وما إلى ذلك والتي سوف تحتاجها للتفوق في اختبار SAT الخاص بك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
SAT Vocabulary for Humanities

a feeling of distress, shyness, or guilt as a result of an uncomfortable situation

إحراج, خجل

إحراج, خجل

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great anxiety, pain, or unhappiness

قلق, محنة

قلق, محنة

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a feeling of extreme hatred or aversion toward something or someone

كراهية, اشمئزاز

كراهية, اشمئزاز

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a state of extreme anxiety

اهتزاز, حالة من القلق الشديد

اهتزاز, حالة من القلق الشديد

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an intensely unpleasant emotion in response to danger or threat

رعب, فزع

رعب, فزع

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a state of low spirits, sadness, or melancholy

كآبة, انكسار

كآبة, انكسار

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a feeling of total hopelessness

يأس, إحباط

يأس, إحباط

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a feeling of doubt or uneasiness, often related to one's conscience or sense of right and wrong

شك, تردد

شك, تردد

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the sadness and worry provoked by an unpleasant surprise

صدمة, خيبة

صدمة, خيبة

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a state of wild, uncontrolled excitement or agitation

هياج, جنون

هياج, جنون

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great excitement, anger, or fear that makes someone unable to control their emotions, and as a result, they start laughing, crying, etc.



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an intense sense of rage

غضب, سخط

غضب, سخط

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fear that is felt suddenly

رعب, فزع

رعب, فزع

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a feeling of irritation or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome, unpleasant, or disruptive

إزعاج, تذمر

إزعاج, تذمر

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the feeling of hatred or disgust toward someone or something

اشمئزاز, نفور

اشمئزاز, نفور

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a feeling of shock or confusion

ارتباك, فزع

ارتباك, فزع

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a strong, persistent desire for someone or something, often accompanied by a sense of sadness

شوق, حنين

شوق, حنين

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hatred and anger that could lead to violent or threatening behavior

عدوان, عدائية

عدوان, عدائية

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an unexpected and quick feeling of a particular emotion, often a negative one

لذعة, وخز

لذعة, وخز

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a state of extreme physical pain or mental distress

عذاب, مأساة

عذاب, مأساة

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causing intense fear, shock, or disgust

مروّع, رهيب

مروّع, رهيب

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inspiring a sense of fear or unease

مخيف, مرعب

مخيف, مرعب

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causing feelings of unease, discomfort, or anxiety

مقلق, مزعج

مقلق, مزعج

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causing one to feel serious or thoughtful, often by showing the seriousness of a situation

مقلق, جدي

مقلق, جدي

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causing strong emotions, especially sadness or empathy

مؤثر, يؤثر في المشاعر

مؤثر, يؤثر في المشاعر

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greatly frightened and worried about something, in a way that is uncontrollable

مجنون, متوتر

مجنون, متوتر

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(of a person) melancholic and full of grief

محزون, مكتئب

محزون, مكتئب

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causing someone to feel uneasy, anxious, or uncomfortable

مزعج, مقلق

مزعج, مقلق

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filled with intense anger or fury

غاضب, متأجج

غاضب, متأجج

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frozen in place, often due to shock or fear

متحجر, مشلول

متحجر, مشلول

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expressing longing or yearning tinged with sadness or melancholy, often for something unattainable or lost

حزين, شجي

حزين, شجي

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experiencing or creating a sense of sadness or hopelessness in a situation or atmosphere

كئيب, موحش

كئيب, موحش

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feeling very lonely and sad

خراب, مدمر

خراب, مدمر

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showing sadness, typically in a mild manner

حزين, مؤلم

حزين, مؤلم

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experiencing a temporary state of shock or inability to think clearly, often due to a sudden, unexpected event

مصدوم, مذهول

مصدوم, مذهول

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feeling suddenly surprised or shocked

مندهش, مفزوع

مندهش, مفزوع

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feeling uneasy or nervous

قلق, مضطرب

قلق, مضطرب

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feeling fearful or worried, often in response to a sudden or unexpected event

مفزوع, مضطرب

مفزوع, مضطرب

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embarrassed or worried about one's appearance or actions

محرج, ذاتي الوعي

محرج, ذاتي الوعي

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nervous or worried that something unpleasant may happen

قلق, متوجس

قلق, متوجس

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feeling irritated and upset because of being unable to achieve something or change an unwanted situation

محبط, مستاء

محبط, مستاء

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feeling nervous or worried, especially about something unpleasant that might happen soon

غير مريح, مضطرب

غير مريح, مضطرب

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feeling unhappy or resentful because someone has something one wants

حسود, كاره

حسود, كاره

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feeling so hopeless that one is willing to take any action, regardless of the possible consequences

يائس, قابل لليأس

يائس, قابل لليأس

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unwilling to do something due to a lack of will, motivation, or consent

ممانع, متردد

ممانع, متردد

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to mourn

to feel deeply sad usually due to someone's death

يُعزي, ينعى

يُعزي, ينعى

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to grieve

to feel intense sorrow, especially because someone has died

يُحِزّ, يَندُب

يُحِزّ, يَندُب

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to lament

to verbally express deep sadness over a loss or unfortunate situation

يتألم, ينوح

يتألم, ينوح

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to humiliate

to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed, often by publicly exposing their weaknesses or shortcomings

إذلال, إحراج

إذلال, إحراج

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to infuriate

to make someone extremely angry

يوتر, يغضب

يوتر, يغضب

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to fluster

to make someone feel nervous or uncomfortable, often by surprising or overwhelming them

إرباك, إحراج

إرباك, إحراج

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to exasperate

to deeply irritate someone, especially when they can do nothing about it or solve the problem

استفزاز, إثارة القلق

استفزاز, إثارة القلق

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to confound

to confuse someone, making it difficult for them to understand or think clearly

يحيّر, يخربط

يحيّر, يخربط

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to outrage

to cause someone to become extremely angry or shocked

أغضب, أثار غضب

أغضب, أثار غضب

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to vex

to annoy someone by intentionally or persistently bothering them with small, annoying actions or behaviors

يُزعج, يُسبب الإزعاج

يُزعج, يُسبب الإزعاج

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to irritate

to annoy someone, often over small matters

يزعج, يغضب

يزعج, يغضب

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to smother

to overwhelm or restrict someone so much that they feel suffocated or unable to act freely

خنق, كتم

خنق, كتم

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to yearn

to have a strong and continuous desire for something

يشتاق إلى, يتوق إلى

يشتاق إلى, يتوق إلى

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to recoil

to suddenly move back in response to something surprising, frightening, or unpleasant

تراجع, انهزم

تراجع, انهزم

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in a manner that is extremely poor or unfortunate

بشدة, مدهش

بشدة, مدهش

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