Kniha Summit 1B - Lekce 8 – Lekce 3
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 8 – Lekce 3 v učebnici Summit 1B, jako je „povolení“, „zdvořilý“, „frustrovat“ atd.
to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something

očekávat, předpokládat

a belief about what is likely to happen in the future, often based on previous experiences or desires

očekávání, předpoklad

to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it

vysvětlit, objasnit

information or details that are given to make something clear or easier to understand

vysvětlení, objasnění

to prevent someone from achieving success, particularly by nullifying their efforts

frustrovat, zabránit

the feeling of being impatient, annoyed, or upset because of being unable to do or achieve what is desired

frustrace, zklamání

the action of allowing someone to do a particular thing or letting something happen, particularly in an official way

povolení, souhlas

a process or state in which something becomes more advanced, stronger, etc.


the state of being part of something or having a connection with it

účast, zapojení

a display of good manners and polite behavior toward other people

zdvořilost, slušnost

needing a lot of work or skill to do, understand, or deal with

obtížný, náročný

a challenge or circumstance, typically encountered while trying to reach a goal or finish something

obtížnost, problém

(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role


the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one

odpovědnost, povinnost

able to be trusted to perform consistently well and meet expectations

spolehlivý, důvěryhodný

the level to which something or someone can be counted on

spolehlivost, důvěryhodnost

having the required quality or ability for doing something

schopný, kompetentní

the ability or potential of doing something or achieving a certain goal

schopnost, možnost

able to be relied on to do what is needed or asked of

spolehlivý, důvěryhodný

completely or partial inability to use a part of one's body or mind, caused by an illness, injury, etc.

nepohyblivý, handicapovaný

a physical or mental condition that prevents a person from using some part of their body completely or learning something easily

postižení, invalidita

the quality of being just or reasonable in treating people and situations

spravedlnost, rovnost

(of a person) resistant to authority or control, often challenging established norms or rules

rebelský, neposlušný

the act of intentionally refusing to obey social norms or authority often with a disrespectful attitude

vzpoura, neposlušnost

always putting one's interests first and not caring about the needs or rights of others

sebecký, egoistický

the quality or state of being excessively focused on oneself, one's own interests, or needs without regard for others.


(of a person) inflexible and demanding that rules are followed precisely

přísný, tvrdý

the quality or characteristic of being uncompromising in enforcing rules, regulations, or standards

přísnost, striktnost

having a willingness to freely give or share something with others, without expecting anything in return

štědrý, štědrá

the quality of being kind, understanding and unselfish, especially in providing money or gifts to others


the ability to move easily or be freely moved from one place, job, etc. to another

mobilita, pohyb

the state of being protected or having protection against any types of danger


producing desired results through effective and efficient use of time, resources, and effort

produktivní, výnosný

the state or condition of being productive, or the ability to produce or generate goods, services, or results efficiently and effectively


the quality or state of being significant or having a strong influence on something

důležitost, signifikance

important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact

významný, důležitý

able to do things as one wants without needing help from others

nezávislý, samostatný

(of a person) tolerant, flexible, or relaxed in enforcing rules or standards, often forgiving and understanding toward others

úslužný, shovívavý

willing to follow rules or commands without resistance or hesitation

poslušný, poddajný

the action of respecting or following the instructions of someone in authority


to be based on or related with different things that are possible

záviset, být založen na

the condition of needing someone or something for support, aid, or survival

závislost, finanční závislost

a situation in which someone or something depends on another for support, survival, or function

závislost, závislost na

to share personal thoughts, feelings, or information with someone in private

svěřit se, důvěřovat

in a way that shows confidence and trust in oneself or another person's abilities, plans, etc.

se sebevědomím, se jistotou

to think about or be influenced by other people's feelings before making a decision

zvažovat, brát v úvahu

in a manner that shows one cares about feelings, needs, or rights of other people

ohleduplně, pečlivě

to recognize the difference present between two people or things

rozlišovat, diferencovat

not like another thing or person in form, quality, nature, etc.

odlišný, různý

the way that two or more people or things are different from each other


the act of setting someone or something apart from the others based on their individual traits


to interest and draw someone or something toward oneself through specific features or qualities

přitahovat, zaujmout

having features or characteristics that are pleasing

atraktivní, přitažlivý

a quality or feature of someone or something that evokes interest, liking, or desire in others

přitahování, atraktivita

unable to wait calmly for something or someone, often feeling irritated or frustrated

netrpělivý, nedočkavý

in a manner that reflects a strong desire for quick action or results

netrpělivě, s netrpělivostí

the feeling of being extremely annoyed by things not happening in their due time

netrpělivost, nervozita

a situation or treatment that is not just or impartial and that puts someone at a disadvantage

nespravedlnost, neférnost